
SAT., FEB. 27, 1993, 6:50 AM

One of the very interesting experiences which certain people have had… and then described… are N.D.E.’s or Near Death Experiences. Since I am directly involved in some of these and am aware of the variety of causes, hear Me as I help to make you more aware and more appreciative, o son.

First, a few of the reports are truly faked. The motivations vary somewhat, but mainly the person knows about this phenomenon, from reading and conversation, and would like to have one. After some traumatic event that put the person near death he, either directly or in response to inquiries, makes up such an experience. It’s not a critical lie, but it is troubling to the consciences of some.

Then there are some that are brain aberrations resulting from the trauma of an accident or some other unusual event or from medication or combinations thereof. Such experiences are typically incomplete, but with death a real possibility the mind and spirit conjure up visions of continuing life… and these are remembered. The ones most fascinating to Me are those experienced by agnostics or atheists who have no expectation of an after-life, or, better, continuing life, but whose spirits take this opportunity of trauma to “fake” such a vision. Some of these do then, when recovered, seek Me and become active in a church or other group concerned with spiritual matters.

And, of course, some of these experiences are truly real, with the “victim” having a sometimes spectacular opportunity to have such a time of transition. The ones you hear about, you see, are those who chose to come back to more earth life or were told they were not yet finished here. Many others have the transition experience, some in even a fuller fashion, but then decide to go right on. For a few there even is no barrier. They have a last look at their earth body, are greeted by those ready to help them “across”, and have their life review with Me. Then they move on, either because the body truly cannot resuscitate or because they are spiritually ready to move on.

Some do return, if the spirit can postpone the normal “shutdown” processes of the human body. The spirit can do this, and, as you know, there are a few who “return” with vivid accounts and with eventual full functioning when vital signs have been absent for much longer than the average for a return to full life. As you have noted, and should continue to teach, the most important effect of such a true experience is the often fervent desire to live life more fully… for others rather than for self. They want to learn to love “better,” more fully, more unconditionally. They have had a look at their life experiences to the point of the trauma, and they are able to see the loving, caring, selfless occasions against a backdrop of self indulgence and self-centered behaviors. This is really not different from a true born-again spiritual experience, without near death as a stimulus. It just is a vivid picture of what you have been and what you could be.

The actions are not as important as the motivations. In the best of these experiences the one not only “sees” what she has done, but knows how she felt and what her true motives were. This is what can be truly life-changing… the confrontation with what you did and why. It is sort of a “forced confession.” Your spirit takes the opportunity to have you see and feel the balance of how you have been and come back with the vision of a more loving balance.

SAT., FEB. 27, 1993, 6:50 AM

One of the very interesting experiences which certain people have had… and then described… are N.D.E.’s or Near Death Experiences. Since I am directly involved in some of these and am aware of the variety of causes, hear Me as I help to make you more aware and more appreciative, o son.

First, a few of the reports are truly faked. The motivations vary somewhat, but mainly the person knows about this phenomenon, from reading and conversation, and would like to have one. After some traumatic event that . . .

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