Nature’s Way

MON., AUG. 22, 1988, 7:00 AM

You look out from your man-created house, and you see, mostly, nature’s way. The trees are growing in the way natural for them. This bush just outside your window is growing too large for its place, and this, too, is nature’s way. It is all My original creation, with means to reproduce, protect, and compete. I set up a natural competition among certain life forms, your bout with these tiny ticks being just one example.

The natural earth was created as an interactive realm. The garden of Eden was just a symbol of that which is beautiful but which cannot survive any great amount of life. The earth was not created to be a particular way and stay that way. Rather, it reacts and responds to what is done, and that creates a new condition. If the tropical rain forests continue to be harvested there will be consequences, and these will not be good for a good portion of the human population. Humans are good competitors in the earth, generally, but rarely are they satisfied with a balanced homeostasis.

Hear, yet again, that I have created the earth to be this way. If some humans act unwisely in relation to the earth, for short term gain, there will be long term consequences. People in the future will suffer for some of today’s actions, but some also will benefit because of other present day actions. You can see, I hope, that it would be unwise for Me to be continuously tampering with this nature’s way that I have established. I have exerted some control over the use of nuclear weapons, but there may, finally, have to be some use, so that consequences can be assessed actually and the mistake of this development rectified.

Nature’s way is not to have more and more of some thing, no matter how good it may be. This applies to people, as well as to stalks of corn and ticks. You would like to have more roses, but that would require more care (meaning time and effort on your part), and still there would be losses to insects that you see now. You have lost corn to some animals, but you have more apples than you can use. Other years there have been very few apples.

You mow the grass, and it grows again. In the winter it shall be brown and dormant, no matter what you do to it now. This is nature’s way, in this place. In Hawaii the grass can be green all year, yet much of it is an unpleasant grass to you.

Your rabbits have increased beyond what is comfortable for you. Now you must kill and dress some of them, so that their number is more reasonable. Their flesh shall be good and nutritious. This also is nature’s way. All creatures must be nourished, and each form of life is a potential food source for other forms of life. You can be a food source for small ticks, and this is why you notice them on your body. Their “food-gathering process” brings forth a sensory reaction from the body, and you notice, particularly when it is unpleasant.

You are far from self sufficient on this Farm, but you can envision making much better use of it, if you had to. Nature can work with you, but nature has no favorites. Nature does not favor humans all of the time. You have life quite easy. Other humans in the earth find life very hard. It is possible that you shall, before this life is over. No guarantee!

The passage of Scripture read yesterday told of My deliberately changing the balance of life forms, making some of My favored people vulnerable to poisonous snakes, a change in balance. Perhaps I did do this interfering with nature, but it is not My normal way of functioning. The Hebrews are a special people of Mine, having to suffer much as I have intervened in their life. It makes a better story, perhaps, but it is not My best way.

MON., AUG. 22, 1988, 7:00 AM

You look out from your man-created house, and you see, mostly, nature’s way. The trees are growing in the way natural for them. This bush just outside your window is growing too large for its place, and this, too, is nature’s way. It is all My original creation, with means to reproduce, protect, and compete. I set up a natural competition among certain life forms, your bout with these tiny ticks being just one example.

The natural earth was created as an interactive realm. The garden of Eden . . .

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