New Age?

FRI., AUG. 10, 1990, 6:20 AM

Even though there is some merit in this designation for this approaching era in the earth, I continue to urge you away from it. Do not identify yourself with this “movement,” even as it has some principles and goals that are compatible. Do not deny it or castigate. Just quietly remain unaffiliated. Why? Listen and hear, o son.

In one sense the era into which the earth and its people are moving can be called a “new age.” It has not been before. Therefore it must be new. Some envision it as highly technological, the logical extension of now into the future… assuming the waste can go “somewhere,” population can continue to increase, and new resources will continue to be found or developed. Others envision it as a return to a more ecological life, forced by entropic reality.

The aspect of this vision that I like is the focus on spirit as the fundamental dimension of healthful being. This is not new in the human scene, but it shall have a somewhat new context. It is a “coming back” from a view that spirit could be compartmentalized. And yet the context is new, I must admit. I also agree that there must be a return to a simpler life as the ideal, but with the judicious use of technology. And still I do not urge you to identify with those who call themselves “New Agers”.

Even as I recognize many paths to spiritual enlightenment I want you on an avowedly Christian path. And yet I say that it is OK for you to be aware of everlasting life in many forms, with a view of life that is more circular than linear. I want you to be able to influence those in your profession and those in the traditional Christian church. This becomes less possible if you identify yourself with the New Age movement. So, yes, it is more a practical matter than one of principle. Come back later. This Teaching shall continue.

( 6:59 / 7:50 )

It also is a matter of new, old, and contemporary being complementary rather than competitive. Some of the old must be retained, and some of the new must be rejected. The present contemporary scene is where this present age is being played out and where the shape of the future is being molded. Expected events may not happen. Unexpected ones occur. And thus a future that was envisioned seems not possible. This war, just beginning, may drag your culture’s economy into even more trouble… or it could be a prod back to a way of life less dependent on petroleum you do not produce. But is your country more willing to fight an expensive war than to develop a more ecologically balanced style? I realize the war involves more than this, but it is an underlying fundamental of your participation.

Is laying in an ample supply of firewood part of the New Age? Some would say Yes… and others, No. Is having a VCR and a telephone answering machine part of the New Age? Those replying may be different but there still would be Yeses and Nos. Can your culture be forced into a different pattern or must it evolve over considerable time. I know some things that will happen… and others that are likely, but I do not control all of the many happenings in the earth. I can use events to My purposes, and, craftily, I can exert pressures, but I do not have a set, unchangeable plan for this Earth.

What I’m calling for is not a rejection, outright, of this “age,” but a spirit-filled response to life. Maintain allegiance to some of the old, such as My Holy Scriptures. Maintain some of the values of the present, such as the personal quality in the teaching/learning process. Yet be aware of what new discoveries and development may offer. Continue to be an advocate of a more ecological relationship with the earth and its life forms, but you needn’t be a radical. Respect their zeal, but be not one.

FRI., AUG. 10, 1990, 6:20 AM

Even though there is some merit in this designation for this approaching era in the earth, I continue to urge you away from it. Do not identify yourself with this “movement,” even as it has some principles and goals that are compatible. Do not deny it or castigate. Just quietly remain unaffiliated. Why? Listen and hear, o son.

In one sense the era into which the earth and its people are moving can be called a “new age.” It has not been before. Therefore it must be new. Some envision it . . .

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