New Beginnings

SAT., MAY 28, 1983, 7:13 AM

This is a morning for new beginnings, o son. You feel the regret for a night of lost control, and that is proper. Let those feelings shape some new behavior. I know that you are quite comfortable with such. But also feel that as this lovely morning commences, with cool air, warm sunshine, and singing birds, it is a time for new beginnings. And what better way to begin anew than with your hand in Mine?

This is not a penance but a privilege. Even with the “shadows” of too much wine you awoke and knew that I was calling. I didn’t cause last evening’s unfortunate state, but I certainly can use such happenings. It is time for a new beginning, and I am here to assist.

Yes, the term is a bit redundant… and not absolutely accurate. All new events are, in a sense, beginnings, and all beginnings have the quality of newness. And I do not want you beginning completely anew, but back to closer relationship with Me. Nevertheless, just as this day is new because one exactly like it has not “been” before, so, symbolically, this Saturday morn is a new beginning for you. Entertain not the cynical thought that there have been other new beginnings… and that there shall be yet others. Concentrate on this one that it is yours to enjoy today.

You see the scar on your wrist, and you know that it symbolizes a past happening that combined joy and pain. Many important, memorable events are of this combination. Always remember both even as joy prevails.

You have not experienced communion for some time, and you are feeling this lack. Yet you recall the anticipation and the culmination… the pain of the crucifixion and the joy of resurrection. The pain of judgment and the joy of reconciliation, forgiveness, and grace. As you come to this time of sharing in the future don’t ignore the pain just because you know that joy and acceptance shall be the longer-lasting consequences. Feel all that there is to feel. Then accept the new beginning, for that is a beginning you eternally need.

All right, if today is a new beginning, of what is it the commencement? Very simply it is a new beginning for your continued faithful walk with Me. And what does that entail? No dramatic changes, but just a greater openness to the opportunities of this day and each to follow, particularly in relation to matters of the spirit. You don’t have to “pay back”. You just have to be yourself fully, where you are and with whom you interact. And when you are yourself, fully, you interestingly, are in the closest relationship with Me, for I am an integral part of you. Enjoy this aspect of being as this day progresses.

In the story you are reading the girl, Ayla, has a new beginning after being declared dead, a death that was real in its ritual if not its actual quality. She had more living to do, here in the earth. So do you, and so do many other humans this day. Yet some will end earth life this day and begin in some other realm. Others begin a new earth life today. There are many different ways in which new beginnings happen. A time to be born, and a time to die… and a time to live this day, placed somewhere here between those two important beginnings.

SAT., MAY 28, 1983, 7:13 AM

This is a morning for new beginnings, o son. You feel the regret for a night of lost control, and that is proper. Let those feelings shape some new behavior. I know that you are quite comfortable with such. But also feel that as this lovely morning commences, with cool air, warm sunshine, and singing birds, it is a time for new beginnings. And what better way to begin anew than with your hand in Mine?

This is not a penance but a privilege. Even with the “shadows” of too . . .

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