New Life

THURS., JULY 12, 1990,7:05 AM

New life is what you spied in the pasture last evening. A new calf, apparently strong, with plenty of milk in his mother to sustain him. The celebration of new life is a great part of the earth scene.

And yet you had to consider which animal would be sold or slaughtered, for you know the capacity of your pasture. This is not an easy thought, for there is no one obvious animal that should lose its place. The pasture is finite. When a new animal is born you must think of one to go.

Spring and early summer bring much new plant life to your Farm. The growth has been lush this year. Roses bloom, even as their growth is not what you expected. Weeds grow in profusion, and you are reasonably faithful in harvesting these for the chickens to eat… or reject. The new life that was in small chicks now has progressed to small chickens, and these must contend with the older hens, and some must, eventually, be killed or sold, for there are limits to your enclosure for these fowl and to your need for eggs.

You are experiencing the joys and the problems of new life, and you must express some of these observations to the Survival class this next week. You see, you can portray your Farm as a microcosm of earth life. You see that if you don’t work constantly the balance could tip in harmful ways. Nature is not always kind in human terms. The woods encroaches on your garden and other cleared land. You see what has happened at the abandoned place to your north. And then you hear and read of the great destruction of rain forests in other parts of the earth, demonstrating what excess human needs and wants can cause.

Balance is hard to maintain at an optimum point. Life increases naturally, and then must compete with other life. I created life, for I am the Holy Spirit of the Creator, Sustainer God. It is true that the earth is a living organism, for I have created it, as such. And because I have created it, the earth has a spirit… that manifests itself differently in different places. Thus, spirit is continually balancing, combining with other spirit forces… diminishing in some places, increasing in others.

You hear the gentle rain and you feel the cooler air. These are boons to new life, for you saw the destruction that could come from days of constant, hot sun. You experience these balances here, and this helps to expand your consciousness about life here in the earth, and your place in it.

New human life is coming into the earth on this day, as on each. Some persons die, but many more are born. It is not My greatest pleasure to have to allow various means that kill human life. But the earth is, finally, like unto your pasture. You can move the resources around, but finally there is a limiting finiteness.

The conflict shall increase, in your culture, between new life and old life. You made your presentation on Sunday… and you have another opportunity this coming Sunday… but it was not a popular theme. Perhaps it will be this week. You appreciate and love the babies and children in your family, even as you know these are excessive for the earth. If you feel this way, as a grandfather, you have some idea of how I feel, as the Father of all humans and still the Sustainer of all life here in the earth. But I must allow balances to be favorable to continued life.

THURS., JULY 12, 1990,7:05 AM

New life is what you spied in the pasture last evening. A new calf, apparently strong, with plenty of milk in his mother to sustain him. The celebration of new life is a great part of the earth scene.

And yet you had to consider which animal would be sold or slaughtered, for you know the capacity of your pasture. This is not an easy thought, for there is no one obvious animal that should lose its place. The pasture is finite. When a new animal is born you must think . . .

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