New Rhythm… It’s Coming

SAT., DEC. 20, 1997, 4:50 PM

The rhythm of your retired… or emeritus, as you prefer… life is slowly developing. It isn’t excellent yet, so I naturally have some comments and suggestions. This is a strange time for us, but variety in this time together may be part of this rhythm We’re developing.

Yes, o son, I’m using this term “rhythm” again, picking up on some of My very early Teachings to you. Then I used it in one of Andy’s Teachings that she sent to you. It’s a useful term, so expect it to reappear from time to time. It implies that there is a noticeable movement, with repetitions as you live this next portion of your earth life.

The major happening which calls for a new rhythm is, obviously, your now-emeritus status, with no regular classes and no departmental, college, or university responsibilities. You no longer occupy your beautiful, spacious office, and most of what was in it is now boxed, heading for here or for the new, tinier office. But you have not cut yourself off from the Department, as some of your retired colleagues have done. You shall have an office, and you shall continue to relate, in some ways, to the University. What that rhythm will be is not yet clear and won’t be worked out until you are resettled in the next office.

You hear Me suggesting that your focus should be primarily on this spiritual dimension to health and its importance in a truer perception of what health is. You kinda hope that there may be an opportunity to develop this in a “course of your own” – International Health or Environmental Dimensions… This is a possibility, but you shouldn’t be disappointed if it doesn’t come about.

You see, one of the features of this new rhythm toward which I’m guiding you is not only an acceptance of what happens… or doesn’t happen… to you, but continually looking for how these happenings are spiritual in nature. You accept this rather fully as you write what I say to you, but you’re still quite “spotty” in realizing it in your everyday life happenings. You don’t yet have a good rhythm for such perceptions.

Here on the Farm you’ll need a different rhythm. Don’t expect it to work out easily, for while you shall have more time to devote to your life here, you will continue to slow down in actions, so… there still will be possible frustrations. Start with… this is the winter season, so there’s little to do with lawn, garden, trees, and… for awhile, so… how about this room, the basement, the attic, the barn, a cleanup around the house…? Set some priorities, and don’t hesitate to throw away some of what is now clutter.

I like your selectivity in relation to TV programs. Watch what you really like. Rarely spend an evening watching network programs. Your rewatching of movies you like is desirable. Time spent going over those videotapes with no clues as to what they represent is worthwhile… to rediscover some good programs and to have some more tapes to be reused. Your focus on daily news – TV, newspaper and news magazine – is still excessive. I’ll keep reminding you until a better rhythm develops.

There must be time for contemplation… to process what you’re experiencing for its spiritual importance. This can take place anywhere, but I want you to have several places where you can go for such “exercises”. Reading, with careful selection, must be part of this life, as well as listening to sources and selecting special television programs or tapes of such.

You’re not following through with My suggestion of some regular practicing with your guitar and the songs you’ve sung over the years. Don’t let that small talent wane from disuse.

SAT., DEC. 20, 1997, 4:50 PM

The rhythm of your retired… or emeritus, as you prefer… life is slowly developing. It isn’t excellent yet, so I naturally have some comments and suggestions. This is a strange time for us, but variety in this time together may be part of this rhythm We’re developing.

Yes, o son, I’m using this term “rhythm” again, picking up on some of My very early Teachings to you. Then I used it in one of Andy’s Teachings that she sent to you. It’s a useful term, so . . .

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