New Rhythm… Not Yet

SAT., APR. 29, 2000, 7:25 AM

The Spring season is definitely here, and this calls for a new rhythm of life, as it does each year. That’s the circular aspect of time. Each year has a Spring, which then shades into Summer, and… But your earth life (this time, and every time) at least appears to be linear, so you now are trying to establish a rhythm for one who is no longer “middle-aged,” but is at least pre-elderly… and, in some respects is elderly.

Thus, the rhythm of a “new” Spring is going to be somewhat different from previous Springs because you are a year older. (Climbing into and jumping out of the bed of your truck felt “different” than in younger years.) The lawn grass still needs cutting, and you continue to enjoy that, but you did wonder, yesterday, whether there would come a time when it would seem more like a chore than the practical, aesthetic form of exercise, your present perception of it.

You ingest a number of vitamins and herbals, but no prescription medication. That has been part of the rhythm of your life for some time, and you feel that this does abet your good health. You try not to develop concerns about ill-health, but you do have a sense that your blood pressure is somewhat above “normal,” and you have always dreaded the possibility of a stroke. So that does raise the question: should you be on some medication to lower that pressure… or at least maintain it? Would such medication be “all good,” or would it disrupt the basically good rhythm of this time in your life? I could answer such questions, but, as you expected, I won’t.

Your life is not all pre-determined, by any means. But then I’ll say that I know how it will be, with My direct and knowledge of what you, with “free will” will do. So you know, from “years with Me,” I don’t want you focusing on losses in your life rhythm. Accept them as they come, and keep a positive, joyful outlook on the life you still have, as Bob Russell.

I will say that it will be appropriate for you to have your eyes assessed again, for it may be time for another pair of glasses to improve sight. You don’t like the “loss” of your right eye, but you hope, and assume that your left one will be sufficient for the life that’s still to be lived.

You are “tinkering with” the rhythm of your beer-drinking, and thus far (one week?) the results are not pleasing. Stick with the plan. Give it a chance to develop more normally. Patterns of life can’t be changed easily and “painlessly,” particularly at your age.

Even as it becomes less comfortable to be physically active I encourage you to continue… and not succumb to temptations to walk less. Realize that as you let “capacities” atrophy it will be difficult, if not impossible, to reclaim them.

These have been mostly physical rhythms that I’ve addressed, but you know that My over-arching concern is with the spiritual. You still have the rhythm of at least three Teachings a week. (But I did have to use one of My “tricks” to get you out of bed today… and you realized it… and responded as you should). The rhythm of Our Ruminations has not been maintained, and I do urge you to write this “last” one this coming week. You’re too concerned (and unnecessarily) about how the one that seems to be “ready” will be accepted. Hear again – you’re not writing these for popular acclaim. These are your thoughts and reactions to what I have communicated to you. You’re sharing them with a diverse group of people. Whatever you write will not please everyone. Just do it… for Me and Our relationship. That’s sufficient.

SAT., APR. 29, 2000, 7:25 AM

The Spring season is definitely here, and this calls for a new rhythm of life, as it does each year. That’s the circular aspect of time. Each year has a Spring, which then shades into Summer, and… But your earth life (this time, and every time) at least appears to be linear, so you now are trying to establish a rhythm for one who is no longer “middle-aged,” but is at least pre-elderly… and, in some respects is elderly.

Thus, the rhythm of a “new” Spring is going . . .

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