New Theologies

THURS., AUG. 17, 1989, 5:34 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, offer you this Teaching on this theme before you have read the interview which attracted your attention last evening. Every age is an age of new theologies, some of which are sound and needed and some of which are poor attempts or just shams. I have offered you a theology somewhat different from that of the faith and denomination of which you are a part. Perhaps you shall appreciate even other theologies as you progress along this spiritual earth path. Listen and hear, o son.

Occasionally a new theology may be mostly new, but usually there is a basic relationship to an established theology, with one or more new elements. And, of course, any individual may have a revelation… from truly genuine to completely imaginative… which is new to him but not to the more theologically educated world. This is because I am perfectly willing to offer a theology to one, or to a group, that is not sophisticated in this kind of thinking. This is another aspect of fun in My “job”.

It is necessary for new theologies to arise or be developed as the earth changes and situations arise that are different from those of the past. For one basic theological question is: to what extent is God involved actively in any earth situation. I have told you that I am fully aware of all that is happening, that I do intervene to some extent (I actually can bless and maintain a car through a trip), but that, generally, I allow natural circumstances to occur, to which I then adapt. Other theologies have Me benignly inactive… to fiercely, even frantically, affecting many simultaneous situations. One important one is that I have lost power to satan and am just barely hanging on to influence here in the earth.

The population and environmental state of the earth now calls for some new theologies. Am I truly “behind” and approving of all that is called scientific and pharmaceutical medicine? Do I favor an adversarial position for humans against the rest of nature? Or do I always seek harmony and balance, even as this is detrimental to some human life? Do I approve of science and technology as it is used to create weapons of war… or expensive widgets for the affluent?

I tell you, even as I offer you a theology, that it is proper to have a number of theologies, even ones that differ rather radically. One basic theological premise is that I like variety and differences in My earth souls and institutions. I tell you to be a Presbyterian, but that all need not be likewise. Some churches, and theologies, are now losing adherents, while others gain. Within My great Roman Catholic Church there are differences and schisms. Some feel this is healthy. Others try valiantly to bring all to the same authoritative position.

If the world economy crashes there will have to be new theologies to explain My role and actions. If environmental hazards become more like disasters new theologies must arise. What is stewardship of the earth? Must your nation and others like it reduce your profligate use of resources and transformation of energies? What would the earth be like without this? Do I truly approve of tragedies that are destructive of human life and well-being? What are the limits of God’s approval or disapproval? Is Jesus Christ the same today as in His earth time? Does He somehow approve of bureaucratic, corporatized cultures? Did He actually encourage different theologies about Himself and God?

THURS., AUG. 17, 1989, 5:34 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, offer you this Teaching on this theme before you have read the interview which attracted your attention last evening. Every age is an age of new theologies, some of which are sound and needed and some of which are poor attempts or just shams. I have offered you a theology somewhat different from that of the faith and denomination of which you are a part. Perhaps you shall appreciate even other theologies as you progress along this spiritual earth path. Listen and hear, o son.

Occasionally a . . .

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