New Year Musings

SUN., JAN. 1, 1984, 8:50 PM

You knew, o son, that I would have you come for some instruction and fellowship on this day which commences both a new week and a new year. You are correct in feeling that New Year’s day is of no spiritual significance, but you did feel My pull on you, and here you are at this rather unorthodox time. This shall not be an organized, one-theme lesson, but, as indicated, some musings on this day. And My muses are some of the best.

You have a concern for son Matthew, and it was proper to seek a Word through My servant Mabel. In her ministry she has been instructed to ask in prayer for Words that I have to offer for some person or some situation or circumstance. I reply promptly to her prayer, as you know, and she then delivers almost as promptly. As I have told you, you are not to seek such specific guidance for yourself or for others, even though it may seem to be needed. If I want you to know something I shall surely call you to hear. Know that this is a reiteration of My distinction between these two ways of functioning. Do not try to seek messages… unless I specifically direct you in this way. You shall know if this happens.

Read and study the message more carefully than you have done. Resist the temptation to feel that this is not as effective a communication as these Teachings. This process has accomplished much, much good over the years, and it shall continue to do so. You can feel appropriate pride in these Teachings, but do resist the temptation to compare them with any other form of communication that I use. Each is “just right” for its purposes.

As to the matter of Matthew… he continues to resist My overtures to him. He does not reject Me. He just ignores and avoids encounters with Me. I still affirm, however, that he will finally turn and voluntarily put his hand in Mine, and it shall be with enough experience in life so that he shall not wish to wander around further without Me. He is building now the experiences that he will one day reject as being ideal and desired.

I shall not tell you what his sexual preference shall be when he turns to serve Me. Just know that the most important matter is his relationship with Me. You have judged wisely… his present lifestyle is a definite form of handicap to full life/spiritual functioning. You also know that I have great capacities to use handicaps… for accomplishments that those without such can never achieve.

Your task is to remain a loving parent and keep in touch with him, expressing your love and concern and encouraging him to consider and reconsider what he is now shaping as a lifestyle. It is not your role to be condemnatory. Others may, even should, but you need not express rejection. The struggle is between Matthew and Me. The only assistance you can give is as I have instructed you above.

You consider your immediate family and judge it to be less than ideal. Yet you also must recognize the priority I have – lives committed to Me, rather than orthodox behavior in the many ways of earth life. Four of your five sons have their hands in Mine, though each would have trouble relating to the other brothers. Matthew remains uncommitted, but he shall come to Me. Don’t bet against it, no matter how it looks now.

SUN., JAN. 1, 1984, 8:50 PM

You knew, o son, that I would have you come for some instruction and fellowship on this day which commences both a new week and a new year. You are correct in feeling that New Year’s day is of no spiritual significance, but you did feel My pull on you, and here you are at this rather unorthodox time. This shall not be an organized, one-theme lesson, but, as indicated, some musings on this day. And My muses are some of the best.

You have a concern for son . . .

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