No Secure “Place”!?

THURS., SEPT. 6, 2001, 9:32 AM

After nearly an hour you’ve decided on a “place” for this post-Bible-Study Teaching. It is a warm, late summer day, so some of the outside “places” are not comfortable (for this “task”). You drove a car without a parking sticker, so you were reluctant about parking, here by Pulliam or by the lake, but here you are, with a compromise (Was it worth the risk?)

It is “uncomfortable” to have lost or given up some of the privileges of your professorship – no parking, no office… But you do have much unscheduled time, and, as you reread Teachings from the years of your “working,” you are reminded of how much you had to do, in never quite enough time. So you do appreciate these years now and hope they will continue for some time.

You feel secure in My Hands, receiving these Teachings often and appreciating My willingness to offer them to you. It is hard for you to appreciate Amos, the Book for your group’s study this week and next. As you said this morning you can picture him both as a rather bombastic “servant,” almost angry about how I was treating him, and as a meek, mild “choosee,” moaning about life for him and around him.

Toward the end of this Book, next week’s lesson, he becomes more faithful and appreciative of his life situation, less of a “cry-baby.”

You can’t truly feel for Amos, for your life has been much more secure, with few troubles to match those of Amos. You have felt quite secure… personally, vocationally, and spiritually. You have been a Christian … well, all of your life, in various modes… meaning, that you never denied Me or the Church or your apparent “place” in My Kingdom.

Since I came and “tapped you,” quite a few years ago, you have heard Me regularly in this clear but “unorthodox” way, and you value these Teachings, Me to you, almost more than these official Scriptures. You have a hard time identifying with Amos, for you’ve never felt (for more than a short time, anyway) that I am testing you or punishing you for your unfaithfulness to Me.

And yet, as you read and consider what I said to Amos and how he replied you wonder why I used this “technique”… of “giving him a hard time” in order (presumably) to bring him to repentance, acceptance, and love of Me. But, you consider, perhaps this is why this Book is Holy Scripture, as a “message” to humans who are in situations like unto those of Amos. And, also, this shows a side of Me somewhat different than that of Jesus, in the New Testament. His Being is supreme, and it now is My central way, BUT… it does not negate these other Scriptural “pictures” of Me. I Am however I need to be, in relation to this earth and you diverse humans.

You have shown some capacities to have and show a range of moods and behaviors (ah, yes, a familiar term!), but you are still limited. Some humans have more capacity for “adaptation” and some less, than you. Yet let this “rendition” of Me, in Amos, tell you that I have infinite powers to be whatever I need to be. I cannot be limited or finally “described.”

So… can there be a “secure place” for you, in this earth or in the future realm best for you? You trust that your faith and trust in Me, as Father God, Jesus the Christ, and your Friendly Holy Spirit, will “guarantee?” you that secure place. And yet you realize and admit that your thoughts and behaviors are not always as I would want them to be. You are “the best you can be,” but is that “good enough”? Do you have a really secure Place,” or does it finally depend on how you live the rest of this life?

THURS., SEPT. 6, 2001, 9:32 AM

After nearly an hour you’ve decided on a “place” for this post-Bible-Study Teaching. It is a warm, late summer day, so some of the outside “places” are not comfortable (for this “task”). You drove a car without a parking sticker, so you were reluctant about parking, here by Pulliam or by the lake, but here you are, with a compromise (Was it worth the risk?)

It is “uncomfortable” to have lost or given up some of the privileges of your professorship – no parking, no office… But you . . .

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