… No Thought For The Morrow…

FRI., DEC. 28, 1990, 6:52 AM

Yes, o son, this portion of My Sermon on the Mount shall be the main Christian Scriptural text for this Ruminations, which must be written today and tomorrow. Interestingly, I am pushing you to push yourself to accomplish this task before you leave for your Cuban adventure, and, in a sense, this concern with time and deadlines is the antithesis of the non-attachment theme I want you to develop. So, I shall say… use the three basic Teachings plus this one, with perhaps a paragraph or so out of the others you have selected. Don’t sweat over it. If it doesn’t come out to the usual length, so let it be.

You feel that you must give many thoughts to the few morrows you have before leaving on this adventure. You must be prepared in relation to clothes, film, tapes, and this takes time and focused preparation. You must have some time for Teachings while you are there, but you shall have to see when that best time will be. So… while I urge you to make good preparations I also say take no thought for the morrow… in the best both/and tradition.

The way you live your life day by day is what truly determines how your spiritual future will be. Plans are important only as they are put into action and produce some results, which are helpful to others or which cause your spirit to grow. The time you give to writing what I speak to you is wasted if you let your mind interfere with your spirit’s hearing. You looked over several volumes of these Teachings in preparation for this Letter, and you found many you should reread. The time you spend in writing these is only truly worthwhile if you do take time to go over them and absorb what I have offered you.

I don’t want you to be attached to these volumes and these pages, but I want you to see them as a valuable source of knowledge and direction for your life. As you know they deal only seldom with the future. They are not prophesies about what will be, generally. Mostly they deal with present happenings and with spiritual interpretations of events that you have experienced, helping you to understand how I see the experiences of life, thus influencing the way you interpret.

There is less and less need for you to plan ahead. It is right for you to see the future as being more spiritual and less physical and monetary. You shall have adequate retirement, and your sons, together, can provide for needs beyond your resources. Give less value to the idea of maintaining an ailing body for more earth life. I tell you that equating the prolonging of Nancy Cruzan’s life with My will for her or for the earth is ridiculous. (Yet don’t doubt that I may have encouraged such a belief in some others, just for balance… and for fun.) Yes, it is silly to keep comatose persons alive, at great expense… except that much of that expense is income for some workers. You realize this complexity in the financial affairs of planet earth.

For years I have told you, directly and indirectly, that I shall provide for your needs, so trust in Me. Though you accept this you still feel, to too great an extent, that you must somehow work or strive for this sustenance. You believe Me in principle, but you still want to provide for yourself. This is an attitude that is appropriate in your culture, but more for the young. It should be easier for you to just relax and let Me provide now, accepting that I shall do this in mostly quite unspectacular ways. Let it be. Let Me be.

FRI., DEC. 28, 1990, 6:52 AM

Yes, o son, this portion of My Sermon on the Mount shall be the main Christian Scriptural text for this Ruminations, which must be written today and tomorrow. Interestingly, I am pushing you to push yourself to accomplish this task before you leave for your Cuban adventure, and, in a sense, this concern with time and deadlines is the antithesis of the non-attachment theme I want you to develop. So, I shall say… use the three basic Teachings plus this one, with perhaps a paragraph or so out of the . . .

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