Non-Attachment, Again

MON., NOV. 5, 1990, 5:59 AM

Wisely, your thoughts have begun to turn toward your next Ruminations. Do I have a suggestion? How about a focus on this spiritual concept of non-attachment, that I have discussed and recommended on several occasions? You wonder, occasionally, whether there are still topics that are new and that are of interest to Me… and to your readers. Fear not, o son, for I say We can go on for years. The third priority is that of reader interest. First is Me, and second is you. Your aim is never to please all readers. Remember this.

Attachment is a selfish, earthly response to situations, people, and things. The earthly aspect is rather natural, for there is much beauty and attractiveness in this creation of Mine. It is rather natural that you are attached to this Farm, for it gives you much pleasure. Your dogs are part of this pleasure, and you would feel sad if you lost any or all of them. You feel attachment to your position as a professor, and you glory in the seniority that is yours. You feel a strong attachment to Lenore, your wife of these many years, for I have told you that your marriage was “meant to be” in this life.

Life in the earth creates the strong impression that “this is all there is.” Babies are born. Lives are lived. All that are born eventually die, a few early, but mostly after some years of life. Some hang on to earth life tenaciously, with medical care having a strong ethical imperative to prolong life. This translates easily to an attachment to earth life.

And yet this earth is, finally, just a spiritual adventure. Most of what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is not ultimate reality. Each person’s spirit has some sense of this, but cultures such as yours teach differently, both directly and with a gentle constancy. You used My words yesterday to the effect that death is a very active event, spiritually, even as it appears to be quite passive physically. Thus, as you come, by teaching and learning and by experience, to know Me and of spirit as a force in the earth it becomes easier to ease away from attachment.

You have never been attracted to wealth, to luxuries, and to power. You have yearned for security and for sufficient means to be able to live life simply and comfortably, paying bills on time. You have earthly attachments, but they are not severe. You would not like losing all that you have, but you would not be devastated.

I’ll now repeat the important distinction. It is good to be committed to people, to places, to causes, to your work… but not attached. Give of yourself in unselfish ways. Enjoy the circumstances of the moment, but when that which you are committed to is no more, move on easily to the next part of the adventure.

Some time ago you had to face the possible loss of this Farm to a quarry project. In your mind and spirit you considered alternatives, which demonstrated non-attachment. Now you must consider the desires of son John Patrick for this place, which tests, in another way, your non-attachment.

MON., NOV. 5, 1990, 5:59 AM

Wisely, your thoughts have begun to turn toward your next Ruminations. Do I have a suggestion? How about a focus on this spiritual concept of non-attachment, that I have discussed and recommended on several occasions? You wonder, occasionally, whether there are still topics that are new and that are of interest to Me… and to your readers. Fear not, o son, for I say We can go on for years. The third priority is that of reader interest. First is Me, and second is you. Your aim is never to . . .

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