Non-Attachment: An Update

FRI., FEB. 7, 1997, 10:28 AM

This perspective on living life in the earth is one you understand pretty well, but you haven’t always “walked the walk”, and much in your culture works against it. So, from time to time, you’ll need an update, even as it will become more “real” as you get older. The Ruminations We did on this theme was a good one. Reread it soon, and anticipate that it will soon ( 10:33 / 10:41 ) (Chapel) be time for another Letter somewhat like it. It is an important concept and perspective for you, and for some others. Remember My love and preference for diversity… with different “messages” for different folks.

This update commences with the principle that non-attachment and commitment are a both/and “pair” and not competing opposites. While you are still a full-time professor I want you committed to your classes and to the excellence “We All” expect from your leadership. But you have already begun the loss of attachment to all of the responsibilities that you have had. You still must remain committed to the students you have agreed to help, with theses and dissertations, but you are giving up attachment to research processes and to precision in their writing. That’s the new balancing to which I’m referring.

It appears as though the University of which you have been a part will be experiencing some changes in the near future. You needn’t be attached to old patterns and ways of functioning… nor to the new ones that come along. Be not troubled by changes. Go with the flow. This is a fine time in your professional life.

It will soon be vital as to what materials and papers from your office will merit your attachment and which can be given away or “dumped”. This is hard for you, and your study at home is a microcosm of this. What do you keep, and what do you cast away? It now is time for more “casting”. Even though you can conjure up notions of how you would “use” this… and that… you must become more realistic about the future I want for you. It shall be more focused. If it is not you could have more frustrations than enjoyment.

There seems to be no danger that you would “lose” your beloved Farm in your future, but I still urge non-attachment to the place… and aspects of it. Easter will eventually die, and he need not be replaced. How many cattle should you have? Will this finally be a part of your life that exists only in memory? Love the Farmhouse, its home and its special places for as long as possible, but accept that you needn’t be attached. Trust that I’ll guide you when such is necessary.

Be not attached to decisions that you think your church and your congregation should make. Be willing to “win some, lose some”. And never use your regular contribution to the Church be “conditional”. Remember always that you are giving to Me, in spirit, and not to the “budget”. This is a general admonition, and it doesn’t tell you what to do in any specific circumstance. For, yes, there are other ways to give to Me. I am not only in the Church.

Finally, as you expected, My update says again that you must not be attached to health and to earth life. You will have more departures from perfect health, and most of these should just be accepted and “adapted to”. Be very selective about medical procedures which seem to be “instruments of attachment”. Appreciate and enjoy the various experiences you shall have, even some that are painful, in various ways. Be committed to awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of the experiences that are yours to have. (If I say this often enough and in several contexts it should become more “natural” for you).

FRI., FEB. 7, 1997, 10:28 AM

This perspective on living life in the earth is one you understand pretty well, but you haven’t always “walked the walk”, and much in your culture works against it. So, from time to time, you’ll need an update, even as it will become more “real” as you get older. The Ruminations We did on this theme was a good one. Reread it soon, and anticipate that it will soon ( 10:33 / 10:41 ) (Chapel) be time for another Letter somewhat like it. It is an important . . .

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