Non-Attachment, Yet Again

THURS., AUG. 2, 1990, 6:38 AM

You know, in your mind (and to some extent in your spirit), what non-attachment is and how it feels. It is not a harsh, forceful putting aside possessions, principles, position, and even life itself. Rather it is a gentle, loving giving up of that which you can no longer have, along with a gentle acceptance of things and situations that come your way, without the feeling of exclusive ownership… or attachment.

I want you to cultivate the perspective that all that you have and are constitute a gift from Me, and, as I have given them to you, so must you be willing to give them up at any time. Now this is not to say that you haven’t merited this life. Your life, your spirit, and your actions before this present life are factors in your present position. Decisions you have made have helped to shape what you are, and some hard work must be acknowledged.

So, yes, you do “deserve” what you have. That’s important. You must give up what you could claim is yours, giving Me the credit and glory. A gift is given – life itself. You develop it, live it, serve Me and others in many ways, and give it back, not grudgingly, but truly and gently. Freely ye have received. Freely give.

Money that you receive must not be seen as yours to spend as you wish, but as a trust from Me, to be used in ways that I approve. Whenever you receive checks or money you should dedicate these to Me and ask My guidance in the use thereof. You don’t do this formally, but the concept is part of your life. Symbolically, for example, you should write the check to the church first each month, and giving to causes beyond your own needs and wants must be regular and constant. For as you give, so do I give. This is mystical economics, but it is truth.

You love this Farm, but you must not be attached to it. Work on and with it as if it were something you would have forever or would sell for a great price. But in truth you must be willing to give it up at any moment and simply look for what next you can love and tend. Chris’s expression of desire to make their place beautiful, even as a rental home, is in the right spirit. And, yes, you have this spirit, as you should.

You love your professional position, but you must not be attached to it. You have not experienced any traumatic loss of job, and you could retire tomorrow if that were necessary. Because you don’t have to hold on to what you have you are free to do your tasks well and be valued… and, hence, retained. As you do what I would have you do you will be succeeding, without being attached to your success.

You must not be attached to your good health and a well-functioning body and mind. Know that spirit is the best means of sustaining health, rather than excess focus on ways of avoiding sickness and disability. You dealt well with your knee problem this last week. Continue that way when other disabilities surface, remaining as natural and non-medical as possible.

THURS., AUG. 2, 1990, 6:38 AM

You know, in your mind (and to some extent in your spirit), what non-attachment is and how it feels. It is not a harsh, forceful putting aside possessions, principles, position, and even life itself. Rather it is a gentle, loving giving up of that which you can no longer have, along with a gentle acceptance of things and situations that come your way, without the feeling of exclusive ownership… or attachment.

I want you to cultivate the perspective that all that you have and are constitute a gift from Me . . .

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