Non-Attachment, Yet Again

THURS., JULY 31, 1997, 6:30 AM

It isn’t that you desperately need a Teaching this morning, but you had planned such, in a way… and then I had to press your “fear button”. It worked. You’re here. Necessary or not.

Non-attachment is an important concept, that obviously translates into behavior. It is not particularly Christian in origin, but it certainly should be a part of your spiritual journey, at this time in your life. It is a characteristic of “awakening” and “enlightenment”, and, also, of being “born again” and of “grace”. It is a condition of spiritual freedom… and, though I don’t seem to be “big” on freedom, I, finally, am. Even as I urge you to come and participate with Me in this Teaching, I want you to come because you want this. I desire that you choose to be here.

Yes, this is a form of addiction, a positive one, surely. Yet I don’t demand that you be here each morning or sometime each day. To this learning experience I want you at least partially attached, for it is a relationship that will continue… on beyond this earth life.

You have become somewhat attached to this teaching career that is now officially over, almost. It commenced with coaching, and though you were quite successful as a track coach, your championship season as a football mentor came only after you were no longer attached to winning and being the champion. The ironic truth is that when you are not attached to a particular, desirable outcome it is more likely to be.

A long, hot road trip comes up on the third day/night ahead. You want to get to your destination by Monday. That seems reasonable, in your culture’s thinking, but I urge you to be not attached to a particular result. If difficulties arise, accept these, adapt, and enjoy the “process”.

If the reunion were to be an event to which you were attached you would not have agreed to be the grand marshal at graduation. Now you see that this extra time is necessary for your car to be in drivable condition and for you to do all that is necessary for the transition into retired status. Funny how things come to be…

Remember that non-attachment does not mean non-involvement. You can give up your senior faculty position and your office, but you can still be involved with your colleagues… and some students… in this Department of which you have been a part. It needn’t be a heavy involvement, just an unattached relationship… one you don’t need, but can enjoy… a “light” interaction.

You were somewhat attached to your puppy, Dipstick, whose death this week brought some tears of sadness. Now you know that Charity will have more attachment to you, which may bring about the end of her young life, too. I say that dogs, on this place adjacent to the highway, are a means of reinforcing non-attachment. You were a bit too attached to Charity, I. Be less so to #II.

How attached are you to this earth life? You tell yourself that you’d like (even that you deserve!) 5 years of retirement. So, how attached are you to these next 5 years? This can be a wish, but it shouldn’t be an attachment. If your movement on comes sooner, just accept that. This kind of gentle non-attachment is the best means for a longer stay here.

If this retirement time is “successful” you’ll live life mostly one day at a time. If a task isn’t done one day… how about the next? Or next week? Oh, there will be responsibilities you can’t avoid, but don’t enter into anything really demanding, at this time. If you can avoid these now they will be less likely to belabor you later.

THURS., JULY 31, 1997, 6:30 AM

It isn’t that you desperately need a Teaching this morning, but you had planned such, in a way… and then I had to press your “fear button”. It worked. You’re here. Necessary or not.

Non-attachment is an important concept, that obviously translates into behavior. It is not particularly Christian in origin, but it certainly should be a part of your spiritual journey, at this time in your life. It is a characteristic of “awakening” and “enlightenment”, and, also, of being “born again” and of “grace”. It is a . . .

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