Non-Attachment… Yet Anew

WED., OCT. 30, 1996, 8:43 AM

The Book of Daniel has been completed, and you now go on to some even older stories of My action and Presence in the earth. I told you previously that, in part at least, this Scriptural portion represents My sense of fun and humor. It is initially full of unusual action, exaggerated claims, and blatantly contrasting characters. But… then… you are right in discerning that the fundamental serious message is that I, the Triune God, am in charge of this earth realm. Daniel affirms that I determine who rules, for how long, and what the victories and losses will be. I tell you that I’m not quite so dictatorial… am a bit more “democratic”.

I am the Supreme Adapter and thus can make all sorts of human decisions come out in ways favorable to Me. I have no master plan for the earth. It is a realm in which spiritual growth is quite likely, and so I just react and adapt in many situations to further such growth. Yet I also am not powerless nor unwilling to influence persons and determine certain events. You would not be hearing and writing as you are now if I hadn’t called you in a rather direct way. Oh, you have persisted, but I had to pull you along until you inherently felt the worth of what We were doing together.

Some Christians and some other spiritual folk have the perception that I am quite attached to this earth… want it to be perfect or I’ll destroy it… feel anger and remorse when humans don’t do My Will… and am a stern dispenser of justice. Conversely I tell you that I am interested in and concerned about this earth, but not “attached” to it. My actions are more often like play than like serious judgments.

One important, even vital perspective, is that I am not bothered by bodily deaths, and I exert very little “effort” to prolong lives. I approve of modern medicine only because it represents service, person to person, often with loving motivations. I continue to tell you that I shall allow more deaths in the future, as a means of preserving the viability of the total earth scene. I am not attached to the earth, but it is a unique realm, and I can and will not allow it to perish because of human action.

I love most of you Christians, but I also allow and encourage alternative ways of seeing and acknowledging Me. I love many of those who act for Me in service and in evangelism, but I don’t necessarily want all of you to be like these… as some of the most avid are not like one another, in some ways.

As you come closer to Me I want you to emulate Me, in your own unique way. You have enjoyed and profited from your career here, but you never have been fully attached to your Department or to this University. You are still committed to good service, but any attachment you have had is diminishing. Enjoy any accolades you receive over this year, but do not expect or dwell on such. Look ahead to the next part of your journey back toward Me.

You still are not to be attached to your Farm, as I counseled you some years ago when there was the threat of encroachment by a quarry. Enjoy it. Beautify it. Appreciate it. It is a gift, not something you own and deserve. (A symbol of this is the low monthly payment, which keeps it yours, but without real ownership.)

You can anticipate some service opportunities, but be cautious in accepting these. It shall be a good change for you to be more contemplative… a kind of “Presbyterian Monk.” Be especially wary of leadership responsibilities. You have done pretty well during this latter part of your career, but don’t be taken in by invitations to lead. Be proud of more isolation. Be appreciative of your mind, as it still functions rather well. You are quite aware of the consequences of mental losses.

WED., OCT. 30, 1996, 8:43 AM

The Book of Daniel has been completed, and you now go on to some even older stories of My action and Presence in the earth. I told you previously that, in part at least, this Scriptural portion represents My sense of fun and humor. It is initially full of unusual action, exaggerated claims, and blatantly contrasting characters. But… then… you are right in discerning that the fundamental serious message is that I, the Triune God, am in charge of this earth realm. Daniel affirms that I determine who rules, for how . . .

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