Non-Traditional… Health… Spirit

THURS., OCT. 7, 1982, 6:14 AM

I give you three terms this morning, o son, rather than a longer title, but from these shall come some wisdom regarding your meeting yesterday and your presentations today. You are up again as the morning dawns, and you receive a teaching, which is certainly non-traditional from the perspective of most. Your health is noticeably good, and, of course, it is enhanced by this growth in your spirit that comes with each of these meditations. How’s that for giving a rationale for the title?

You are in a field developed and dedicated to health, and your orientation is an holistic one. This does mean, primarily, as you stated yesterday, that the functioning of spirit is considered on an equal basis (or greater) than the functioning of body and mind. (And it does mean, secondarily, that the condition of the environment is an important factor in even individual health.)

Now, in one sense this is the more traditional way of perceiving health, but your culture became non-traditional when it came to see health as primarily a physical matter, with some serious consideration given also to the mind. This limited view has become traditional (though it is a relatively short tradition), so that a return to a wider, truer view of health is now considered non-traditional. For everything there is a season… surely.

Non-traditional thought is not always a blessing, but it is a part of the earth plane that I have created which is pleasing to Me. You know that I can love the traditional and at the same time encourage the non-traditional. Your role shall require a comparable quality of spirit. Traditional thought is a product of and a further builder of stability… and stability is the term for a desirable state. But in order to maintain stability it often is perceived that changes and new ways must be suppressed. So, you see, in the sense that homeostasis or stability represents health, departures would be unhealthy.

That’s where the concept of rhythm is vital. A homeostatic state is a healthy one, but as soon as its stability is maintained, not for or by its inherent value, but by “putting down” non-traditional challenges, it begins to lose those qualities called health. Without spirit as a factor, however, the movements that make up this rhythm could become vicious and self-serving. Is your desire to affect some changes a product of a need for positive change, or is it some form of combative ego-trip in which you hope for recognition as a change agent? Spirit makes the difference.

The well-developed spirit seeks the “best” balance, and the spirit knows better than the mind what “best” is. Though mind and spirit are intertwined, just know, even with your mind, that it is the spirit that cares for others and for Me… and is less concerned with the building up of self by direct means.

THURS., OCT. 7, 1982, 6:14 AM

I give you three terms this morning, o son, rather than a longer title, but from these shall come some wisdom regarding your meeting yesterday and your presentations today. You are up again as the morning dawns, and you receive a teaching, which is certainly non-traditional from the perspective of most. Your health is noticeably good, and, of course, it is enhanced by this growth in your spirit that comes with each of these meditations. How’s that for giving a rationale for the title?

You are in a field . . .

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