Non-Traditional Thought

SAT., NOV. 23, 1985, 6:49 AM

The morning dawns, and there is frost aplenty on the grass. But, then, it is traditional to have cold and frost at this time of year in this place. Life at its best is a mixture… a rhythm… of the traditional and the non-traditional. All traditions commenced, at some time, as non-traditions. You have thought of your responsibility for abstracting some examples of non-traditional thought. You won’t be able to include this as such a published piece, but you should know what I think about this idea. Hear, o son.

7:08 AM / 7:17 AM

It is traditional thought that there is a God… though it also has been traditional to see Me in many to several forms. Christians thinking is now traditional, and it holds that I am in three forms – God Almighty, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It is traditional to think that the Holy Spirit teaches and counsels, but it is non-traditional to believe that He does this in a tangible form such as this. As you have received these Teachings you have no tradition that tells you what to do with them. So I have directed you in their use in your Sunday morning class, and I have helped you in the creation of a young tradition, the Ruminations. You have heard that some of your readers are appreciative of the insights from one issue or another. For some this non-traditional source has become a tradition which is influencing their thinking and their being… and they look forward to yet another issue.

I, of course, like and encourage both traditional and non-traditional thought. As Jesus I knew and read from and quoted the Holy Scriptures of My people, the Jews. Then I added teachings and actions that were non-traditional. These were written down and have become traditional Scripture. My servant Paul, a traditional Pharisee, was given insights about My life, death, and resurrection which were certainly non-traditional – accept Me as Savior and you are born again to a new relationship with Me (in all My forms), with other people, and with the earth as your current home. That now has become quite traditional for many Christians, even as the traditions for this actually happening vary considerably.

There is a strong tradition in Christian thought of identifying good and its opposite, evil. In secular thought this transfers to thinking of some peoples as friends and others as enemies. Your culture and your government have identified the Russians as enemies (and, hence, you have become enemies to them, also), partly because they officially deny My existence and My influence in the affairs of the earth. It thus has become traditional for statesmen from each “side” to mistrust and oppose what the enemy says. The recent summit was thus non-traditional. There was a willingness on the part of the top leaders to talk together, accepting one another’s differences. I like such a return to My best tradition.

SAT., NOV. 23, 1985, 6:49 AM

The morning dawns, and there is frost aplenty on the grass. But, then, it is traditional to have cold and frost at this time of year in this place. Life at its best is a mixture… a rhythm… of the traditional and the non-traditional. All traditions commenced, at some time, as non-traditions. You have thought of your responsibility for abstracting some examples of non-traditional thought. You won’t be able to include this as such a published piece, but you should know what I think about this idea . . .

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