Not Enough Joy?!

MON., FEB. 5, 2001, 1:42 PM

The day is cloudy, but not uncomfortable. Your little stove heats this room sufficiently, and you feel “led” to have a Teaching. Will it be worth the time? I ALWAYS think so.

Pain is an interesting phenomenon. It does get your attention, but, just as likely, it can keep your attention so that you don’t accomplish tasks more important. You can’t be sure how and why healing takes place; you just know that you’ve been a good and a rapid healer through this life, so why shouldn’t this continue? Because you’re older… is the best response.

Much pain has not been yours to experience in this life, and it is a rare human who doesn’t have ANY painful experiences. As I’ve told you repeatedly, pain is a challenge to your spirit… so I could suggest that you should feel joy that you are having this opportunity. I realize that this is a bit “pollyannaish,” but it does have a ring of truth to it, as well.

You and Lenore talked some this morning about “other places to live.” Some of the “best ones” from her real estate “selection” now are gone – sold, so there’s not much choice, if you don’t choose to “buy anew.”

You both see some advantages in a move to Carbondale, but you still do love this Farm… and despite your present disabilities, you “expect” to recover to carry on life here. Yet you also realize that this may not be practical. Your hope is that son Matthew will “keep it in the family” for at least the rest of your earth life. But it is unlikely that it will stay “about the same,” especially this house.

So what do I suggest. Feel the joy of this place for as long as it’s yours and this is “where you are.” Then look forward to “whatever comes next”… with little time spent in comparisons. I want you to see that all of this earth life that you still have left should be lived in joy, almost no matter what the circumstances.

As you look… and walk… around this place, be observant, be thankful that you’ve lived here for these many years. Reexperience the joy of the many gatherings and experiences here. Contemplate in the several places here that are uniquely “yours”.

Then, when it is time to move on to some other abode anticipate some new and different joys from future experiences. And if it does “stay in the family” you will be welcome here to reenjoy the “places”… even catch some fish.

The movement “away from” your Department and your profession goes well, as I see it. It is nice to be remembered, but you know this won’t last much longer. ( 2:18 / 2:23 ) You feel that you’ll hate to be without an office, up there and here. It will be a somewhat painful transition, whenever it comes, but… don’t look back. Focus on… what comes next? Even as you enjoyed teaching and the classes you had during the “active years” you now have almost no desire to “recapture” that time. It was a joy to live it, and it should be a joy to give it up.

You have no desire to retire “somewhere else.” Here you can be a comfortable part of the Church and can relate in some variety of ways with your grandchildren. And you also can withdraw and be at least a “somewhat recluse.” If the setting is to be other than this Farm, look forward, with joy, to the ways your life can still be joyful.

Be sure that you do talk with Dr. Coleman about what would likely happen if skin were not grafted to your heels. Neither you nor I want you to spend much of the rest of this earth life as a patient. It is painful now, but will it continue to be so? Why would healing stop?

As the Spring comes you will have many desires to “be as you were,” but, instead, you’ll have to adapt to “what is” now. Joy in what you still can do. Focus on what you still have rather than on what you’ve lost.

MON., FEB. 5, 2001, 1:42 PM

The day is cloudy, but not uncomfortable. Your little stove heats this room sufficiently, and you feel “led” to have a Teaching. Will it be worth the time? I ALWAYS think so.

Pain is an interesting phenomenon. It does get your attention, but, just as likely, it can keep your attention so that you don’t accomplish tasks more important. You can’t be sure how and why healing takes place; you just know that you’ve been a good and a rapid healer through this life, so why shouldn’t . . .

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