Nothing Is The Goal

FRI., MAR. 29, 1985, 5:47 AM

You realize you have been away from this meditation for a longer time than usual, and that it was somewhat difficult to clear your mind of the thoughts that are ready to crowd in and jam Our process. Fortunately, you know the process and can wait… and finally be as you should be. Now you are receptive, but I have given you a title with an “Eastern sound,” and you have some initial wonder as to whether and how I can bring forth a Christian message. Never fear, o son. The Holy Spirit can deliver!

Clearing your mind is a process that is necessary for this teaching/learning process (the more important process… but you must pay closer attention) to be effective. Nothing is the goal. Or… the state you must reach is one of nothingness in thought… the blank mind. You know this is a goal difficult to attain and to maintain, but, also, that it is the only way. I force My will somewhat, but I must have you open only to Me. Nothing is the goal, that I may fill your spirit with its vital food. Normally your mind races, dealing with many different ideas and concerns continuously. More consciousness and more thought is the goal of an active academician. And I require… nothing.

It is generally interpreted that I, as the Christ, and the developed Christian religion have a love for human life that is beyond all other concerns. Then you hear Me say, “He would save his life shall lose it, and he who would lose his life shall save it.” Give up that which you value most. That which is of most value must be seen as of least value. That just doesn’t fit with a capitalist economic system, now does it?

When some who see themselves as more orthodox than you object to the “mixture” that your faith seems to be, gently point out that the most orthodox of churches (and evangelical, too) are co-existing with capitalism, where “more” and production and consumption are the goals. And I say, nothing is the goal. You may have what I give to you, but you must not seek further gain. Could American Christians give up their plenty for the nothing state in which I would provide? Could they give up their very lives? Is the nothingness of death simply the open door to the sumptuousness of life in the spirit?

If what I have said is so then you should strive to rid yourselves of possessions and take your life, in order that you might reach My riches, right? No, for nothing also applies to the striving. Ultimately, when you strive and try hard to do My will you shall not come close.

You wonder, as I say this, about the Holy Week story. Did I not strive to be the suffering servant… the sacrifice for all of you sinners? No, it was the perfect balance. I desired nothing but to do the will of God, My Father. I did not try to save myself, but neither did I strive to be crucified. My Father (and yours) worked out his will with the people, enlivening some and quieting others. I desired nothing… but to be as I should be. And hence… the Easter story.

You are into the season of planting. I want you to apply this nothing principle. Do not strive for a perfect garden that shall yield enormously. Do be diligent about the work, enjoying the exercise and blessing the seeds and plants that have the potential to produce. Expect nothing, but give of yourself. And you shall have more than if you set out to succeed.

You still have some trouble with this, I know. Yet you accept it more readily than would be expected for one with such self-motivation and drive to succeed. Increasingly, have nothing as your goal, but give of yourself unceasingly to the opportunities that present themselves, many of which I arrange.

FRI., MAR. 29, 1985, 5:47 AM

You realize you have been away from this meditation for a longer time than usual, and that it was somewhat difficult to clear your mind of the thoughts that are ready to crowd in and jam Our process. Fortunately, you know the process and can wait… and finally be as you should be. Now you are receptive, but I have given you a title with an “Eastern sound,” and you have some initial wonder as to whether and how I can bring forth a Christian message. Never fear, o son. The . . .

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