
FRI., APR. 12, 1991, 5:53 AM

Now is the time for living. Now is what life is all about. You are in this familiar place at an unexpectedly early hour, and I tell you Now! You have some concerns about happenings in the past that you have not followed up. You write lists of things to do, as you scan the future. And so, with these legitimate concerns about the past and the future I call you to focus on Now!

I am the Holy Spirit mentioned in Scriptures 2,000 years and more in the past. I am the Spirit who shall be a guiding force for many persons in the future, in many places and cultures. Yet I come to you, a person unimportant in the skein of human history, and I say that Now! is a holy moment. It shall not be a picture book day, and you shall have some frustrations as the events unfold, but I call on you to appreciate the Now! of this particular Friday.

Now is a time that the leaves enlarge. A few weeks back the trees outside were barren, and you could see the sky rather clearly. In a few weeks more your view will be mostly of leaves. Now there is the lovely combination of small leaves and sky. Now! is a great time to live.

You sometimes feel guilty as you take time to appreciate the Now! You know you are not finishing up something commenced in the past… and that you are not putting effort into preparations for future responsibilities. Each can be a legitimate concern, but I also tell you to Be in the Now! I know this sounds somewhat “Eastern” and non-Christian, but I aver that it is I, the Holy Spirit of the Triune Christian God, who speaks of the value in the Now!

There are many other important and useful ways you could be spending this “hour”. You come to Me in timelessness. Though there is a starting and a finishing time, during the Teaching there is no time. I have you hear Me in a Now! time. I tell you again that you cannot offer yourself to a more important task than this one. It shall cost you nothing, and you shall accomplish more and have greater appreciation for life because you move out of time to be with Me. I can even tell you that you shall live longer because of this relationship with Me than you would have without it. No one can prove or disprove this… and it does refer to life here in the earth… but I say it shall be true. AND… you shall appreciate continuing, everlasting life oh so much more because of these “times” in the Now! of this present life.

You were just in the Now moment of sunrise. Clouds abound, so it was but a moment. Now the gray dominates. Gray is the Now, and the forecast is for rain. The Now! is a season of spring… a time of rebirth and growth. Though it does contrast with the cold and bleakness of winter and with the steamy warmth of summer it is the Now! of spring. Appreciate it day by day.

You know you have follow-up tasks from your convention experiences, and some of these shall just “slip away.” Regret these, as you do the lack of preparation for future tasks. Know that the Now! can be best if you have prepared for it, and if it has proper follow-up. Know also that these – past, future, and Now! – do compete with each other, here in the earth. Timelessness is, finally, much preferable to time. Just know that such is to come.

Continue to appreciate the gradual slide away from the responsibilities of your academic career. You do not yet know what your retirement years will be like. Speculations and alternative modes are yours to have and consider, but do not miss the beauty and fun of this Now! time that you are in. Dedicate what you do to Me and worry not about the consequences. Now! time with Lenore is time well spent. There is both a continuity and a changing quality of our life together. Always appreciate this.

FRI., APR. 12, 1991, 5:53 AM

Now is the time for living. Now is what life is all about. You are in this familiar place at an unexpectedly early hour, and I tell you Now! You have some concerns about happenings in the past that you have not followed up. You write lists of things to do, as you scan the future. And so, with these legitimate concerns about the past and the future I call you to focus on Now!

I am the Holy Spirit mentioned in Scriptures 2,000 years and more in the past . . .

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