Number Nine

MON., MAY 11, 1987, 6:06 AM

There is nothing particularly significant about either eight or nine as a number. So the symbolism of having completed eight years with Me in this meditative relationship or of commencing a ninth year is not powerful. You have made progress, however. Spiritually you have progressed well during these years, but, as now, you can still be distracted and not able to concentrate as you should. You are far from a perfect servant, even as you are on the right path.

Actually, you started this exercise in learning and in faithfulness eight years ago with no real sense of what it would become in but a few weeks. You wrote with some help from Me, but I did not “take over” in an obvious way on that first day. I knew you would keep your commitment, but I wanted you to become familiar with the practice before I revealed Myself in the midst of it. Now you know what will happen, you have developed a nice liturgy, and only occasionally do I “hide Myself from you” (just enough to keep it interesting!) So we are both willing and able to take off on number nine.

Though you have many demands on your time you still are wasteful of this earthly commodity. This room is much improved, but requires yet more attention to be as neat as it should be. Your office requires effort now you are trying to establish this as a time of sacrifice (not well begun, unfortunately), so combine this spirit with one of diligence, using this month ahead to reestablish orderliness… at least that which is within your capacity.

You wonder about future commitments to take the place of these now completed for a time. I say again – do not take on more responsibilities, but accomplish the ones you already have but are not fulfilling. The main use of your talents should be in writing, and you have many choices. Just do not get bogged down in the choosing process. Set some priorities and get going on them. This is not to be a restful summer. And yet it need not be hectic. This is My wise judgment.

Continue your Sunday class through the summer and on into the Fall. You shall be pleasantly surprised as some leave and others come in to be a part of this fellowship. The format is familiar and easy. This is just another way that I teach you and simultaneously use you as a help to others. The class is firmly established now. Maintain it as a familiar though somewhat unorthodox part of your church’s program and mission.

Continue to share your wealth with those less fortunate. Do not build an inappropriate reserve at the expense of causes and persons who need your support. Continue your judgment about publications. If you do not read them, do not maintain the subscription. You have a sufficient range of interests now. It is unlikely that you will have to “retool” into any new areas. Maintain these that you have, and do consider new texts and new ways of approaching the teaching opportunities you have. It is not good for you just to repeat activities and teaching approaches that have been successful. Keep it fresh for you as well as the students.

MON., MAY 11, 1987, 6:06 AM

There is nothing particularly significant about either eight or nine as a number. So the symbolism of having completed eight years with Me in this meditative relationship or of commencing a ninth year is not powerful. You have made progress, however. Spiritually you have progressed well during these years, but, as now, you can still be distracted and not able to concentrate as you should. You are far from a perfect servant, even as you are on the right path.

Actually, you started this exercise in learning and in faithfulness eight . . .

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