Obedience And Free Will

JUNE 26, 1980, 6:26 AM

Hear, o son, some words of wisdom on this theme. I would have you be free but also obedient. That’s some kind of rhythm!

You know about free will, but let’s review just briefly. Each of you has free will as part of the “theory” of your existence. The “free” part will vary tremendously, however. Some are born into cultures or parts of cultures (or as a female) which greatly limits the freedom to exert will. Some are limited in intelligence, and this is a limiting factor. Some are dominated by the will of another person… one strong in capacity to control.

And then there are those, like you, who experience the strength of My Will… who cannot affirm that they (you) make important decisions with your own resources. You have the theoretical right, say, to be here or not be here… and you are here. Did you choose to be here? Yes, you did. Could you have chosen other? Theoretically yes, but practically, no. Because you are obedient.

One, free will, is a condition of life in the earth. The other is a virtue that develops… in response to a will that is stronger than yours. The phrase runs through your mind, “He made me an offer I just couldn’t resist.” Yes, there are rewards and punishments that are part of this process and that intercede to shew choices and decisions. Free will is still there, in theory, but the results of doing one thing or going one way seem more desirable than another. Or, there may be some negative consequences, so certain directions are not taken.

JUNE 26, 1980, 6:26 AM

Hear, o son, some words of wisdom on this theme. I would have you be free but also obedient. That’s some kind of rhythm!

You know about free will, but let’s review just briefly. Each of you has free will as part of the “theory” of your existence. The “free” part will vary tremendously, however. Some are born into cultures or parts of cultures (or as a female) which greatly limits the freedom to exert will. Some are limited in intelligence, and this is a limiting factor. Some are . . .

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