Observations On A Week

SAT., MAY 1, 1982, 5:40 AM

Yes, o son, it has been almost a week since you took pen in hand and listened, in Our unique way, to observations of Mine on general or specific issues. You were in Texas then, and that had to do with you, with others at the convention, and with the convention itself. You have commenced to share those thoughts and words with others. Continue to do so, as you have planned… and as I lead you / as situations arise.

You drove back and resumed busy professional, personal, and farm life. Your responsibilities are many, so I have not urged you to come to Me before you were holistically ready. You knew, at last night’s gathering, however, that several teachings would be forthcoming to deal with issues raised. (See, I even helped clarify the cat food mystery.)

You spoke with clarity and with conviction about spirit last night, o son, and you were the most comfortable, with strangers, in telling of your Source. The balance was good between what you just stated as truth and what you attributed to Me. What was missing in the first conversation came forth in the one with Paul – this is your message to proclaim and does not negate all contrary ones. For I, the Holy Spirit, may be the Source of what may seem to be incompatible messages. Just know, and tell, that this is possible with Me. The total Bible Story tells this. It is not a clear, consistent, one-track story. Those who would make it so are creating their own god… more consistent than I, but, still, a creation.

I shall not give you a firm answer yet on the name for your Farm. The focus of the evening (Kris’ slides and his talk about the villages) did bring you closer to an identification for this special Place. Try out your idea of ECO SPIRIT Farm and see how it feels. Be open to modifications but also to the rightness of this name. (Remember that Tigweiser seemed very awkward at first, but now it applies very comfortably as a name.) I shall finally affirm the right choice, but there shall be a process first. And that process has begun.

Dolores asked about teachings concerned with suffering, and, while you know I have spoken of this human condition, you could not name and affirm specific teachings. Let that remind you of My admonition to spend some time with the contents of all of these volumes, so that you know about what We have written. Let it also serve as a stimulus to look for this theme among the many on which I have spoken.

Hear now some preliminary words to what shall later be a longer teaching. For all spirit-filled people, moving well along the path, should know about suffering, one of the conditions of an incarnation in the earth.

When a person suffers it is evidence that he is alive and aware. The nature of the suffering will vary, and so there is not much to say about suffering in general. I can say that the way a sufferer responds is an evidence of spiritual maturity, and I can say that suffering is a means toward spiritual growth. Further observations require some qualification as to the nature of particular experiences in suffering.

SAT., MAY 1, 1982, 5:40 AM

Yes, o son, it has been almost a week since you took pen in hand and listened, in Our unique way, to observations of Mine on general or specific issues. You were in Texas then, and that had to do with you, with others at the convention, and with the convention itself. You have commenced to share those thoughts and words with others. Continue to do so, as you have planned… and as I lead you / as situations arise.

You drove back and resumed busy professional, personal, and farm life . . .

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