Observations On Humor

THURS., NOV. 1, 1984, 5:47 AM

Hear, o son, as I speak of that which is the major “missing element” in the Holy Scriptures… being “there”, but not directly described or identified. This, of course, is My sense of humor and fun, which shall be the theme of your next Ruminations. You know when that shall be assembled and written, but you need to do the basic research work before that time… using this early morning time to find the Teachings already given that shall apply. And, in addition to the Teachings clearly identifiable, I want you to find smaller, shorter evidences of My sense of humor, given as part of more serious meditations.

You realize, of course, that this assertion that I have a sense of humor is a serious matter. It can call into question My very nature, and can lend a spirit of frivolity to Biblical situations that have always been interpreted as deadly serious. Do I call on you to become part of this tiny group of My servants who know this aspect of My nature and try to share it with others? I surely do. Since I gave you “Fun” early in our active relationship I have wanted you to be aware of and to appreciate this important facet of My personality… even this nature of Almighty God… and now you must share it, even with some who may not find it easy to accept.

The basic, even serious, concept is that life is fun, a fact that can be obscured by tragedies, but must not be negated by such. I have fun as the Holy Spirit, and you have fun as Bob Russell. Each form of life, incarnate or not, should have a share of fun. It is appropriate to smile at a rainbow, but it is just as appropriate to smile during the height of the storm.

The little book I brought to your attention in Minnesota, and which you now have is an example you must cite. The Good Book calls for you to smile at some of the most serious aspects of My life as Jesus. It is significant that such a book of cartoons was ever published, and equally significant that it is no longer in print, meaning that sales were unspectacular… it had a limited market. Many people do seem to like “categories”, and they want to keep Me in the one labeled “serious”. Such shall not easily approve of what We shall do in this coming issue. Just know this in advance.

That in itself is funny. A lot of serious, dedicated Christians find it necessary to feel shocked at suggestions that I am humorous and to defend My eternal seriousness. Imagine how it seems to Me, observing these attempts. But, you are right, the Scriptures do encourage this interpretation, and I am finally responsible for this Book. Isn’t it rather funny that I am responsible for My own discontent? Who else can I blame it on?

I do urge you… yes, I do!… to see the humor in all the serious accounts of My life as Jesus. Do you think Mary was happy with a dark, smelly stable for a place to “have Me”? It seems “romantic” now, but can’t you imagine she questioned Joseph’s negotiating ability with innkeepers. In the wonderful scene with the woman caught in adultery can’t you imagine at least one old Jewish man reaching for a rock with the response, “Well, I never did anything like that!” Perhaps I did go off to pray at times when there was physical work to be done.

THURS., NOV. 1, 1984, 5:47 AM

Hear, o son, as I speak of that which is the major “missing element” in the Holy Scriptures… being “there”, but not directly described or identified. This, of course, is My sense of humor and fun, which shall be the theme of your next Ruminations. You know when that shall be assembled and written, but you need to do the basic research work before that time… using this early morning time to find the Teachings already given that shall apply. And, in addition to the Teachings clearly identifiable, I want you . . .

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