Observations On Rhythm

JUNE 4, 1980, 5:45 AM

You decided to return to this early morning hour, o son, and so let Us reflect on several aspects of the rhythm that now constitutes your healthy life. Yes, your life is healthy when there is a rhythm to what you are and what you do, but when you are aware of this and appreciative of it the quality of life is even better.

You experienced a variation in the rhythm of these meditations yesterday. It was at the noon period and outside, amongst people, but it had quite a different content and “feel” to it. It had some serious, thoughtful quality to it, but, ultimately, it was free association around a spiritual theme. It was a fun exercise. You didn’t quite appreciate as you should have. Be aware when your rhythm changes, o son. You felt that you (or I?) were writing more slowly… the rhythm of that also was different. You were right. It was different… for no particular reason.

You have done a little Scripture reading of late, and I commend more to you. And, again, see it as part of My rhythm. You found some of it more negative than this that We do and the comparison was troubling. Let it not be. Appreciate it as the rhythm of My teaching. Know that what you read is My Holy Scripture and what you write down is My communication to you (and perhaps to some others through you). I am not “different”… how could I be different? I could only be “different” if there was something I was not… and then became. Know that I am All in All. There is nothing that is characteristic of Me. There is nothing that “God wouldn’t do.” When you restrict Me and define Me you set up an idol. And I still abhor idols… even ones emanating undeserved love. Never limit Me in these writing sessions. I have infinite capacities, and there are many ways I can lead you, some of which We have not yet explored.

Now that you have been pounded by that Truth, know also that as I come to you as the Holy Spirit I manifest Myself uniquely to you… for the person you are and are becoming, for your culture, and for the tasks I purpose for you. So I limit Myself, usually, in these “encounters”. But I don’t have to. So keep that in mind… and heart and soul.

You feel a different rhythm of life here in California. You enjoy it, in some ways. Go ahead… enjoy it. It won’t detract from the rhythm of your life at home. The love analogy is a good one: if you love a number of people this does not “subtract” from your love of one special person. Rather, it increases your capacity to love that one. The exercise of love increases its quality and quantity. Restricting it and “saving” it diminishes, sadly, your capacities to love, even when you want to. So enjoy this rhythm here, and that shall enhance your enjoyment of life where you are. Remember, the secret of My Universe is both/and, not either/or.

You see the artifacts on the wall, and you are aware that they must represent quite a different rhythm of life. How diverse are the ways of representing reality. The materials, the shapes, the feelings are different, even from one another. What is the rhythm of a people? of a group? of an individual? And you shall find this out best from stories and from their descriptions of their artifacts. Remember this for your Fall study. You are not yet ready for that, but you shall be. It shall require some different perceptions, and these teachings shall help in the development of these necessary new ways of thinking.

Feel the rhythm of the rest of this time out here. Open yourself to greater appreciation of what you feel. Don’t be reluctant or too cautious. Be more fully, wherever you are. Linger not long over the thought that you are wasting time (as you felt some, yesterday). Every moment of time can be utilized in positive, fruitful ways. Think, if you can, of every moment as eternity. What you are doing at any moment is what you shall be doing for eternity. Doesn’t that give you pause? Don’t “try harder” to not waste time. Just know that none need be wasted… and act accordingly.

You shall return to more spiritual realms and sharings today. Appreciate this as part of your rhythm. Live your life in this rhythm. Yet hear and heed My leadings to new tunes and recurring ones.

Amen at midweek.
6:45 AM