Of Hospice I Approve

MON., JAN. 20, 1986, 7:14 PM

A good part of the weekend past was spent with people from hospice, experienced and less so. The title above is truth… of hospice I approve. In this Teaching, at this unorthodox hour, I shall tell you why. And perhaps this shall then make this experience with this unique group just a bit better.

The spirit of hospice in relation to death, when life is predictably short because of some disease condition, is one of which I approve. Live each day as fully as possible, being aware and being appreciative. Do not spend these days in dying, but in positive living. Now I am not opposed to medical procedures or to medications… UNLESS these bring the focus to avoiding or postponing death, and this I call just plain silly.

Oh, I realize that if a crisis can be overcome and death can be postponed then the focus on life can return, but I see too many cases when the focus never is returned to life, even though the time “bought” may be considerable. So… live as long as you can, but have your mental and spiritual headlights on life, not on death.

I tell you that there just is no reason to fear death. If you are living life fully, even as you die, your consciousness is increased rather than diminished (even as it appears, physically, otherwise). I needn’t tell you what the exact nature of the experience is, but I can say that it is truly the continuation of life. You will not be alone, and the total environment will be a pleasant, happy one. Eventually you shall have to deal with the selfish aspects of the life you have just completed, and with the unfulfilled tasks that were yours to do. But these can wait until the welcome has been offered and accepted.

I realize that there could be some problems arising from a declaration like unto the one I have just made offered to a patient with a less developed spirit and sense of the continuation of life. But I say that if it is acceptable to express doubt about ultimate questions, then it should be equally acceptable to express a firm faith, based in revealed knowledge of Me and My Ways. I see nothing wrong with a hospice group made up of some variety of people, in terms of full faith in Me. It is a good experience for growth.

Your performance thus far, with patients, has been quite ordinary, but you are aware of this and you want to improve… to make an impact. You shall have that chance, but you shall have to be more ready than with Raymond. Rushing right in is not good strategy, but as soon as some relationship has been established, say what I would have you say in relation to dying and to death. Help patient and others to appreciate the hospice way of thinking. Help them all to live, with surprising fullness, even as death approaches.

One of the hardest truths to accept, as a person is dying, is that, in some ways, life will be lived more fully despite the death. The dying person, because of his or her personality and because of the dying process, may be thwarting full living for others. The death can thus bring freedom that wasn’t possible before. The person with well-developed spirit knows this and may even be able to express it. It is not a form of self-degradation, just an element of truth. Some close kin, particularly spouses and children, often waste valuable living time in grieving for the one gone. Some grieving is desirable, but too much shows too much focus on self and on the negatives of death.

MON., JAN. 20, 1986, 7:14 PM

A good part of the weekend past was spent with people from hospice, experienced and less so. The title above is truth… of hospice I approve. In this Teaching, at this unorthodox hour, I shall tell you why. And perhaps this shall then make this experience with this unique group just a bit better.

The spirit of hospice in relation to death, when life is predictably short because of some disease condition, is one of which I approve. Live each day as fully as possible, being aware and being appreciative. Do . . .

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