… Of Importance

FRI., JAN. 19, 1996, 12:52 PM

You could commence this title for a teaching in several ways. What I shall talk about on this cold, sunshiny day is what I, the Holy Spirit, consider to be of importance in human life. Remember that I still love diversity, so there can’t be one universal answer, by which each of you are evaluated. Furthermore, for most of you this will change with different segments of your earth life.

Most fundamentally, as you should expect, it is important to have a sense of what the spiritual is in life, as you live it… and to value this spiritual dimension or facet. I am most pleased when a person has a strong sense of Me, as God, and, even more, an acceptance of Me, as Jesus, as the model for living and the propitiation for your sins. You all sin and fall short. Yet I offer you a way to be accepted and to feel that acceptance. Thus, life is a positive adventure.

You read last evening some from the small (?) by and about Brother Lawrence. His was a simple life (an unimportant life, by most standards), but of most importance was a continuing, personal relationship with Me. Everything he did was for Me. Work was a form of prayer. There was no other reason for any daily action. This is an extreme path, but I have a few on this path in every culture, in every era and generation.

It would be hard for you to move to such a path, but you could come closer in these last years of this earth life. You often come close as you encounter some frustration… and then laugh and thank Me for the resolution or the acceptance of what is.

Your culture is one of action and production. The university is part of that culture, with many production goals. You had enough success in this scene to earn the spot where you are now. You are proud of some of what you did and have done, and some of this was important to Me as a means for your being well-accepted in your field and in this institution. You could not be doing what is of real importance to Me without having done, earlier, what was of less, final importance. I know well the conditions of your life. You’ve committed your share of sins, but you also accept My accepting them in your place.

As you are aware there are those who feel spirit in human interactions, in experiences with “nature”, even in business, technological, and professional affairs… with little regard for Me. Some of these I allow to waste time, effort, and self in what are unimportant ways of living. But amongst these are others that I do lead and do support, even though they don’t acknowledge Me.

In the Isaiah story you now are studying you have been struck with how I used Cyrus to accomplish a goal of Mine. He was not, and never became, a direct, conscious servant of Mine, but I used him, nevertheless. Remember always that I am free to act as I wish in this earth scene. Even Holy Scripture cannot limit Me, as new cultures develop.

As I have told you often you generally put too much importance on money, which means a loss of importance on the faith that I will provide what I want you to have. You can conjure up visions of needs for money beyond what you have, and these can be worrisome. Then I see you write checks to help others or to sustain causes that are important to you and to Me, and I see that as the return of trust and faith. Know, also, that I do not provide for you as a reward for your “being good”… or even faithful. If there should be some “set-back” it shall be offered as a learning experience and one of potential spiritual growth.

You still find much that seems important for you to do. Most of it is less important than you judge, but what is important is living for Me, whatever you’re doing. You’ll eventually have your study on the Farm looking like you envision it to be. You’ll enjoy the process more if you consciously include Me as you’re cleaning and “reassigning”… and casting away. (There is a time to keep and a time to cast away.)

Recall My Teachings on Attachment and Non-Attachment. (You’d best read that Ruminations anew). You can work hard at a task. You can be committed to certain accomplishments. But stop short of attachment. That’s My Way. I love this Earth, but I’m not attached to it.

1:48 PM