Off Ramp? On Ramp!

WED., APR. 12, 2000, 8:45 AM

Last evening you took another symbolic step down the off ramp from an active, responsible life. It was your last Session meeting, and, while you still have to write the Minutes, you shall go to no more meetings… at least as an active Elder. In your “swan-speech” you told your long history as an Elder, a Session member, and as “the Clerk.” You remember all of these years as good ones, for you, but it is now clearly time to say Aloha and settle further into a less “responsible” life. Of this I approve.

The next possible step may be the relinquishing of this small office. You have been pleased to have had this for… going on 3 years, now. It feels comfortable, and it is good to have a “place” to come to, but you will not be surprised when Regina says, “We need this office.” You can think of some alternative places to have Teachings, but I’m sure you’ll be given some reasonable time to “pack up.” You still have a lot of “stuff” here, most of which should be given or thrown away. You could start deciding what to definitely keep…and what could obviously “go.” But that’s not quite yet.

This is your 3rd year of not going to conventions, and it hasn’t seemed to be much of a loss. Strange, isn’t it, when something as appealing as those times of convention now seem easier and easier to pass up.

It’s quite clear that your life now has two “benchmarks” – Wednesday morning Bible study and Sunday morning worship, fellowship, and discussion. There is no set structure for the rest of any week, and you don’t miss those other responsibilities… it would be quite difficult to have to assume them again. But no such “offer” is likely.

You now have no on-going responsibilities with the church, and you shall not assume any such in the future. Single presentations?… OK. Mowing the lawns?… good exercise. You could even consider visiting other churches, like unto what you did once… as a “sabbatical.” You needn’t feel that you’re “stuck” in this congregation. You now can be more “mobile.”

Yes, o son, you are participating in the off-ramp of a career and a life of responsible service. I do not applaud you lavishly, but you have done well, considering your “maturity” (and lacks thereof). This, understand, does not affect your relationship with Me, for you clearly are “saved,” and I offer you My mercy and forgiveness quite liberally. It’s just that you haven’t quite lived life with spirit foremost. Choosing this life that you have had was, in some ways, a “tough one,” spiritually, for you developed, in your culture, quite a feeling for independence, even from Me. You did well in the culture with such values, but it took you a while to seek a better spiritual balancing.

Now consider that while you are on the off-ramp from this life as a church Elder, husband, father, professor, health education professional, you are, at the “same time,” starting the on ramp toward a contemplate mystic. These Teachings lead you onto this ramp, which leads… back to… Me. Oh, you still have roles to play… important at certain times… but you should have little to no need for “accomplishment”… other than coming often to hear Me and to re-read and pensively consider what I have said to you.

A good Spring “start” to the tasks that are yours to keep your home place neat and beautiful…is what you have made. Continue on with this in the next few days… and “see what happens.”

WED., APR. 12, 2000, 8:45 AM

Last evening you took another symbolic step down the off ramp from an active, responsible life. It was your last Session meeting, and, while you still have to write the Minutes, you shall go to no more meetings… at least as an active Elder. In your “swan-speech” you told your long history as an Elder, a Session member, and as “the Clerk.” You remember all of these years as good ones, for you, but it is now clearly time to say Aloha and settle further into a less “responsible” life . . .

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