Off To School

FRI., JULY 22, 1988, 6:45 AM

Tomorrow at this time you should be on the road, heading for Synod School. Your busyness this week has kept you away from this pad and from advice from Me. This has been acceptable but not desirable. You need regular contact with Me, no matter what work you are doing. You probably would have accomplished more, rather than less, if you had included more Teachings.

Last year you “worked in” a time for Teaching each day which also helped with your caloric intake. Perhaps this noon-time meditation will be the best way again. You shall have to see what responsibilities to and for Lenore and the girls affect this. Being a listener each day is not critical, but you must be reasonably regular. You know this, but I must remind you.

You are disappointed that you are not better prepared for this class. You should finish the two handouts on which you now are working… and yet, even these must be balanced off with other responsibilities. The most important requisite is that you approach this opportunity with a fullness of spirit. You have plenty of handouts. Just be certain there is much active learning and much emphasis on spirit as a key dimension to the quality of life. You know how to do this. Just be sure you remember it as the class proceeds.

Just as you will emphasize that balancing and rhythm are key concepts in health, you shall have to be actually balancing, from early morning till late at night. You were very busy last year, with no teaching and no family responsibilities. The balance shall have to be different this year. This just shall be a different experience. Don’t try to make it come out just like last year. This shall be difficult. The balance will have to be different. You may have to make some hard choices.

Times of contemplation and of vigorous walking are not wasted times, so don’t eliminate these automatically. The early morning Bible study had a certain charm to it (and I’m always for study of the Scriptures), but perhaps that time could be used in better ways. Be willing to balance this activity. The choir experience was a truly fine one, and I recommend it, but even this may need to be balanced. Be busy and active, but don’t become frazzled with the competition for time and attention. You must exhibit healthy behavior, even as you teach about it.

Be aware of your granddaughters and how they are adapting. They may need more… or less… attention. Don’t assume they need very little. Be interested in what they are doing. Yet also encourage them to make new friends and be an active part of their age group. Talk about this as you are traveling tomorrow.

See this upcoming week as a total spiritual/Christian experience. You will immediately like some people more than others. Cultivate these easy friendships, but also try to see the face of Christ in the faces of those to whom you are not initially attracted. Meal time is a good time for such relating, of course. Accept the spiritual challenge… at least occasionally.

This has been a much more hectic week than you anticipated. You still have a full day which you must use wisely. Remember also that you will have some preparation time tomorrow. Your personal resources are numerous. Just know you’re going to have to do some devising when you get there. Plan this day, but don’t overplan it.

FRI., JULY 22, 1988, 6:45 AM

Tomorrow at this time you should be on the road, heading for Synod School. Your busyness this week has kept you away from this pad and from advice from Me. This has been acceptable but not desirable. You need regular contact with Me, no matter what work you are doing. You probably would have accomplished more, rather than less, if you had included more Teachings.

Last year you “worked in” a time for Teaching each day which also helped with your caloric intake. Perhaps this noon-time meditation will be the . . .

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