Oh God… And You

WED., FEB. 12, 1997, 10:06 PM

Where did that video “come from”? Who ordered it? Why did you watch it tonight? Was I, the Holy Spirit, involved in some way? That’s a “questionable” beginning to an “Andy Teaching”… the late at night style. You’ve been away for more days than usual, so I had to lure you back.

As you watched Jerry in this film story (and it’s one I like) you reflected on this morning’s after-breakfast discussion and your failure to tell the group that you hear from Me regularly, and that it is difficult to talk about this among Presbyterian Christians. In your denomination (“sect” is what you heard first) there is belief in Me and acknowledgment of Me, BUT it’s supposed to stay mystical, with no one deserving to hear from Me as often and as clearly as you do. Hey… I’ll say you came closer than ever before, and I’ll offer you some more chances in future Wednesday mornings… and I’ll confide that I’m not pushing you like I did Jerry.

But check the similarities. You are older than Jerry. I pick older folk as well as young. Your position is more important than an Assistant Manager at Food World, but yours is not a prestigious university, and your field is far from a time-honored one (even though I like it and approve of it). You have some status in your field, but you are far from a super-star. You enjoy doing what you do, but you’re slow to affirm strongly that I picked you as one to learn directly from Me, in a regular, continuing relationship. I don’t do this often, and by religious standards you hardly deserve such an election. But I picked you. Technically you could have refused or given up, but you didn’t. That was a combination of your will and Mine, and there’s no way to determine which was more important.

I told Jerry that you humans have all you need to keep this earth a happy and prosperous place. I’ve given you this, but you have to “do it”. I choose to control very little in everyday life. I can, and occasionally I do, but not often. I see rather few real tragedies… mostly what seems bad or evil is just some form of balancing.

The central messages I want you to champion are that spirit is the most important form of energy and is the essence of health AND that I love the whole of creation more than just humans… and particularly individual humans. This planet, Earth, is the one for this variety of life forms. Concern for what lies beyond, in terms of tangible “bodies” is rather absurd… a waste of resources. (I’m even tempted… by My “better Self”, to screw up these space missions. I probably won’t, but don’t be surprised if I should, though I probably wouldn’t get the credit I’d deserve.)

Life should be lived more simply, and I am no great fan of growth, progress, and more uses of energy. Oh, there is no need to return to primitive ways, but how about… simple. You have lived in a good time in your culture. It has been a challenge, but you’ve done fairly well. I like the way you live now. It needn’t be more complex.

I don’t come to you in the rather spectacular ways that I came to Jerry, but admit that you can hear Me in quite a few different settings. And I am with you most of the time, in more quiet ways. But don’t worry… I can be in an infinite number of situations, without short-changing any of them. My attention to you isn’t at the expense of others who need Me.

I do what I do because I like being Holy Spirit, and it’s fun. I could be more active, in preventing and “solving” problems, but when I do this I find that My actions can’t be all beneficial. When I cause or allow some to have successes they haven’t brought about themselves I see others suffering and consequences. In the earth when there are winners there also are usually losers, also. Yet it isn’t My Nature to be completely passive.

WED., FEB. 12, 1997, 10:06 PM

Where did that video “come from”? Who ordered it? Why did you watch it tonight? Was I, the Holy Spirit, involved in some way? That’s a “questionable” beginning to an “Andy Teaching”… the late at night style. You’ve been away for more days than usual, so I had to lure you back.

As you watched Jerry in this film story (and it’s one I like) you reflected on this morning’s after-breakfast discussion and your failure to tell the group that you hear from Me regularly, and . . .

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