Oh, If You Could Speak…

WED., SEPT. 18, 1996, 8:23 AM

The Acts account of Paul’s journeys, triumphs, and troubles mentions My Name and My actions rather frequently. You’ve noticed this, and it does cause you to ponder, “If only I could speak out about my experiences…” You are increasingly aware of times and places when you could speak thus, but seldom do you so testify.

I am not forcing this… so you’re not sinning grievously… but I am pleased when you do tell of Our relationship, even when it is not done bold. I encouraged you to underline, in red, all references to me in these Acts. Then you can go back and consider how often I was acknowledged as part of that ongoing story. Of course you also must consider that I was then, and am now, more active in earth life than is ever written down. You shall leave a “legacy” of pages, written as evidence of your gift of hearing Me, at different times of the day and in different places. You needn’t be concerned as to whether these will be of value to the spiritual… even the church… community. Leave that to Me.

As you contemplate, and even make formal plans for, retirement, you know that these Teachings, past and present, will be one important focus of your life. You can’t be sure now precisely how this shall be, but you see it as a wonderful use of your time and attention.

It is almost impossible for you to imagine yourself speaking, as Paul speaks (and as Luke writes) in relation to My influence. It is surely a reality to you, but the thought of testifying in such an “unPresbyterian”, “unacademic” way is scary. Yet you do like being identified as professor and professional health educator who knows about and cares about spirit as a dimension of health. You are comfortable with that bit of “notoriety”. Being seen as one who acts as a scribe for the Holy Spirit, in late 20th century U.S.A. however, seems to have less appeal.

Yet when you know I am close to you, guiding and teaching you, reflecting, with you, on your life and times, it seems a bit strange that you find it so hard to express the satisfaction of these encounters… and the results therefrom. Here you are in the church building, but in no way are you comfortable in expressing here, among good friends, Christian, that this Holy Spirit, about which you all read, is active in your life… and you want them to know this.

In the next 3 weeks on Sunday mornings you shall have the opportunity of leading a group, of some unknown size and composition, in considerations of death, and the dying process, from a Christian perspective. You shall, with My blessing, introduce all 5 of your perspectives, in order to see both how the Christian perspective, in pure form, contrasts with these others, AND, how it can meld with each of the others to result in a perspective that I like better than the stark Christian.

Wouldn’t it be fun to be able to express your knowledge and conviction about eternal life, given by Me, with repeated journeys and adventures, of the spirit, in the earth, interspersed with learning in other realms? Will you be bold enough, in 3 sessions, with, expectedly, not the same folks every time, to ask for expressions of expectation about the dying process and about life after bodily death? This could be a way for you to reveal yourself, at least partially, in relation to continuing life and as a pal of Mine. Oh, if you only could speak thusly…

In your stories told to the class this afternoon you could at least infer some of your convictions, from these experiences. Be quite matter-of-fact about My part in these stories – as God, as Jesus Christ, and as Holy Spirit. No apologies… I’m just an integral part of the whole story. You should have reviewed the whole trilogy. Perhaps you can before the class actually congregates.

WED., SEPT. 18, 1996, 8:23 AM

The Acts account of Paul's journeys, triumphs, and troubles mentions My Name and My actions rather frequently. You’ve noticed this, and it does cause you to ponder, “If only I could speak out about my experiences…” You are increasingly aware of times and places when you could speak thus, but seldom do you so testify.

I am not forcing this… so you’re not sinning grievously… but I am pleased when you do tell of Our relationship, even when it is not done bold. I encouraged you . . .

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