
MON., AUG. 20, 1990, 6:25 AM

One of the “byproducts” of My creative action, as Almighty God, is oil. This means that oil is not a direct creation, but developed out of the decaying process of plant material, many, many years ago. Oils of various kinds are still being produced, by plants and animals, but the oil called petroleum, from which gasoline and other fuels are refined, is the special oil of which I speak this morning.

Humans have used intelligence, creativity, and developed technology in utilizing this oil and its by-products. It has been a feeding process. Oil, as a fuel, can be useful only with a certain amount of technology. But then utilization of oil makes possible the development of more and more technology. What you call the industrial revolution has been possible largely because of oil.

Now your culture uses more than it produces. While there is some consideration given to conservation… using less… the major thrust is toward maintaining supplies. The present political and military situation is one of “unholy” alliances, mostly because of oil. Your nation will go to war (which is a profligate waster of oil) to maintain supplies of oil. And, yes, I am involved in this human drama, though I have little direct interest in oil.

I certainly am aware of the good that has come through the use of oil. I realize, as you do, that your comfortable life here on this Farm, combined with your exciting life as a professor, is possible largely because of oil. You have needed little help from modern medicine, but the lives of some are prolonged because of this, which could not be, as it is, without a large investment of oil. Your mower uses a tiny amount, but the beauty of your mowed lawn is possible because of oil.

And yet these machines which enhance life and make it more comfortable also kill, shortening lives. It is not possible to say what the balance is… except to agree that the human population could not be at its present size… and growing… without much use of oil. I have told you that this planet earth cannot maintain a population of this size without increasing use of oil. If most luxuries were given up and if there were more use of muscle power the population could be maintained for a time, but eventually it would balance out at a lower number.

My main interest, of course, is spirit, and spirit is not greatly enhanced through the use of oil, overall. True, your congregation could not have gathered as it did yesterday at your church without oil. Nor could it have enjoyed the food that was served without the use of oil. And, yet, across the world the preparations for war would not have been possible without oil. The balances are odd.

Your present life will be over before the oil of the earth truly “runs out”… or requires too much energy expenditure to extract and process. Yet in the lifetimes of these small grandchildren of yours there will be a diminution of supply, and life will change, with some dramatic consequences. I await the spiritual growth that will come in this transition.

MON., AUG. 20, 1990, 6:25 AM

One of the “byproducts” of My creative action, as Almighty God, is oil. This means that oil is not a direct creation, but developed out of the decaying process of plant material, many, many years ago. Oils of various kinds are still being produced, by plants and animals, but the oil called petroleum, from which gasoline and other fuels are refined, is the special oil of which I speak this morning.

Humans have used intelligence, creativity, and developed technology in utilizing this oil and its by-products. It has been a . . .

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