Old Age

MON., MAY 8, 1995, 5:46 AM

“Aging,” as a process is lifelong. The first part of the aging process is a positive one, one you see in your little granddaughters quite vividly displayed. Sometimes rapidly and sometimes gradually they become more functional and more adaptable physically, and in the other dimensions as well. The spiritual is the slowest to “age,” but, then, as I have told you, it should be the strongest as the other aspects of self weaken.

So, first, I want you to see that aging is just another term for the earth life process. It is developing capacities and using these, and then experiencing these diminish as you move into old age. It is a real challenge to your spirit to lose capacities that you once had and valued. It is both a privilege and a burden to advance into old age.

Last summer you were with your parents, and this past winter your mother-in-law, Mabel, was part of your household. They are a generation beyond you, being truly in “old age.” It is positive to say that they still are alive and still functioning semi-independently, but it is not pleasant so realize how much they have lost, as they are deep into old age. It makes you wonder whether or not you want to live that long, and now you are leaning toward “not.” You see the contrast with Paul’s father, My servant Bill, who passed on over before really experiencing old age… except in his heart muscle. He was younger than you are, and an active member of Jocks for Jesus, a good way to move into old age. His life was full, but shorter than yours, and certainly shorter than your father’s. He missed old age, but he is now well into his next life experience. He didn’t awake physically, but he certainly awoke spiritually to a bright and less troublesome reality.

I tell you repeatedly not to focus on your imperfections and disabilities. You can still function quite well for one your age. You have learned to move away from areas of weakness and show forth your remaining strengths. In general, I recommend this, with some moderation. For example, your physical capacities are diminishing, but I still want you to walk, to mow, to rake, to keep this place in a roughly beautiful state. Keep bending over, even as it is a slower and more painful process.

The goal I urge on you is the one you are following, thus far: live fully, joyfully, and as naturally as possible. Help your body to take care of itself. Be reluctant to seek invasive medical treatment, for while it might do your body some temporary good it would be hard for your emotional and spiritual “selves” to accept. You did rather well with your operation/hospital experience, and you wish it had been more of a success. You assume it is a portent of the future: procedures medical may give some relief, but become more dangerous, overall.

I want you to see that, in contrast to the old adage “Old age may not be pleasant, but it’s better than the alternative” (meaning death, of course) your adage should be “enjoy old age, as you advance into it, and see it as a prelude to an even better life, beyond this, continuing close with Me. In its deteriorative aspects it is not better than the alternative.

MON., MAY 8, 1995, 5:46 AM

“Aging,” as a process is lifelong. The first part of the aging process is a positive one, one you see in your little granddaughters quite vividly displayed. Sometimes rapidly and sometimes gradually they become more functional and more adaptable physically, and in the other dimensions as well. The spiritual is the slowest to “age,” but, then, as I have told you, it should be the strongest as the other aspects of self weaken.

So, first, I want you to see that aging is just another term for the earth life process . . .

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