Old Age… A Blessing?

FRI., NOV. 13, 1998, 12:20 PM

The television program last evening had you look at old age… and in some new and potential ways of prolonging life for humans. You think about this in relation to yourself and Lenore, particularly as you are aware of losses, physical and mental, in both of you. You also look forward, with mixed feelings, to a visit with your Dad, whose functioning is quite diminished by old age. And now you come to Me, the Ageless Spirit, for some guidance. I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again!

The Old Testament speaks of men who lived longer than the longest now. Did Methuselah really live to be 969? That’s really not important. The Psalmist was more relevant to these days when he proclaimed “three score and ten… and other ten for good health”. And I like your muses about Me, as Jesus, and what I would have said and done in a ministry of 50 or 60 years, let alone several hundred. Did I say all that was needed to be said in three years? Was a sacrificial death (for the good of others) at a young age some sort of “model” for this present era?

I smile when I see the juxtaposition, in your culture, of science trying to find and devise ways of extending old age and military might poised (“this is no game”) to wipe out some Iraqi lives. Missiles, bombs, poison gas, biological “weapons”… different means of shortening lives, and your country has “the most”. I see deaths in the thousands in Central America, with more to come from lack of food and disease. And, still, I see several hundred thousands more humans born each day than do perish… The balance is far from even… and it should be for life on this planet, that has quite a limit on habitable, productive land.

Yes, o son, you have lived in a very good time in the history of humans, the earth, and Me, the Triune God. You have lived in four “general” environments, and you shall live out this life in this quite desirable place, unrecognized as such by most of humankind. You have had a “productive” life, in a profession I chose for you… and have made “a difference” in the lives of some former students. You realize this career is now past, and you are on the “off ramp” of life, here in the earth… but on the threshold of reentering spirit realms, where life is vital… though different.

I do love you humans, My highest form of Creation, but, once again, I have to proclaim that the Creation I’m most proud of and concerned about is the ecological balance of many life forms and the physical environment, natural and created. And when I shift to My “Big Picture” I can value old age in humans only when this results from natural, personal adaptations (which may come from clean, healthy living or from “good genes”… or some combination) and continued capacities to function at least semi-independently. Oh, I do see some spiritual growth in some who care for aged folk who don’t fit My above description, in which the elderly are a “means” toward important spiritual progress, for some younger folk. Life, as I have created, sustained, and do guide is far from simple and easy to understand and evaluate.

You shall have to evaluate, carefully and prayerfully, how your Dad “is” and how his coming to live with you would affect him, you, Lenore… and others. Whatever decision is made will not be easy, and you shall have to discuss this thoroughly with Joanne and Howard. I shall help in some ways, but won’t tell you what to do or not do.

By your culture’s standards and categories you are one of the young elderly. By the Psalmist’s standard you are 2 ½ years into your “grace decade”. Now you feel that another 4 or 5 years will be just about right for a good, memorable life and you don’t know how you’ll feel as that 4th or 5th year is now. I say… gradually withdraw from the concerns of your culture, contemplating life in wider ways and focusing attention on the spiritual, more and more. You will not find this difficult; it should be one of the truly fun portions of life.

FRI., NOV. 13, 1998, 12:20 PM

The television program last evening had you look at old age… and in some new and potential ways of prolonging life for humans. You think about this in relation to yourself and Lenore, particularly as you are aware of losses, physical and mental, in both of you. You also look forward, with mixed feelings, to a visit with your Dad, whose functioning is quite diminished by old age. And now you come to Me, the Ageless Spirit, for some guidance. I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again!

The . . .

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