Old Age… And… Mystery

SAT., DEC. 13, 1997, 6:45 AM

As you think back to the story on film that you experienced last evening… it was both a realistic portrayal of old age and a mystical “picture” of love and care that continued on after bodily death. You are not yet crippled as Sam was or quite as addled, but it was a possible “future” for you. Hear My observations on the reality of aging and the mystery of life.

You can’t yet picture yourself as that oldest generation because your Dad’s still alive (but worse off than Sam was) and your Mother-in-law was with you for enough time this year, in a barely functioning state. They are the elderly, so you are at least the young elderly still functioning well in many respects. Yet dysfunctions creep up, and you are aware of these and anticipate others.

When full functioning has been experienced and valued it is difficult to value the loss of some capabilities. It bothers you when you can’t keep a walking pace comparable to some student, particularly a female. And you still have some competitive spirit that pushes you to exceed what now feels more natural and comfortable. I have no objection to such behavior, even if it could be a cause of your bodily death, finally. You shall know when that time is the “right time”.

Old age becomes a time when you may be more conscious of decisions that may prolong your life or hasten your demise. (7:12 / 7:16) Should you always be “more careful” about familiar… or even novel… actions, because of… you know… further disability or death? You are unlikely to have sons or daughters fussing over you, with concerns about what you’re doing or planning to do. Yet you can appreciate the value in that, even as it might seem irritating.

Will anyone care if your behavior becomes potentially dangerous to your life? How much independence do you want? Hanging on to this life too long just deprives you of some joys from “what comes next”. This should be an important aspect of your thinking as you progress toward Sam’s stage in life.

And what about the mystery of life. As portrayed, Cora, after her bodily death, found a way to come back and care for Sam, her love of many years. Is such really possible? Isn’t this a rational world? Of course it’s possible. Remember that for all of its material essence and “knowledge” about what is possible and impossible this still is My Earth, a domain of spirit, with the material as an aspect of life, not its essence. Old age is a time to more fully appreciate this balance.

It is appropriate for you to live in this elderly Farm house, to be aware of and to appreciate its evidences of old age. It’s all right to fight against some aspects of aging, but it’s also appropriate to accept some undesirable changes. This has been your home place for more than half of your married life and more than a third of your total life. Our relationship, together in these Teachings began here, so I call this the best part of your life.

Just be aware that life is more mystery than fact… more mystical than rational. So be ready… to be aware of mystical happenings, for old age is the best time for such experiences. This may make you seem odd to those younger (as Sam was being judged), but the experiences may be just right for transition into your next life domain.

SAT., DEC. 13, 1997, 6:45 AM

As you think back to the story on film that you experienced last evening… it was both a realistic portrayal of old age and a mystical “picture” of love and care that continued on after bodily death. You are not yet crippled as Sam was or quite as addled, but it was a possible “future” for you. Hear My observations on the reality of aging and the mystery of life.

You can’t yet picture yourself as that oldest generation because your Dad’s still alive (but worse off than Sam . . .

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