Old Age… It’s Coming

WED., SEPT. 16, 1998, 8:50 AM

An increasing number and variety of thoughts are yours to “entertain” as you move toward old age. The state of your brother-in-law, Bob, so evident in his visit with you this week, urges you to pause and contemplate your future. He is a few years older, but you remember him as one active in body and in mind. Now he is old and feeble, and you wonder if this, too, shall be your lot.

A major difference between the two of you, in addition to the few years, is spirit and, particularly, in relation to Me. Our friendship, yours and Mine, has developed over the years and shall continue, I’m sure. It is a relationship that will be enriched by your bodily death, the assurance of which should make the future, beyond this earth life, quite something to anticipate. He has no such relationship or anticipation. Therefore this life, with its increasing limitations, and frustrations, is “all there is”… and difficult as it may be, it is better than nothingness.

Consider, now, what thoughts and resolves come from this visit… and its contrasts. You recognize that you are losing flexibility and agility, but I urge you to keep active, resisting temptations to “take it easy” and do things “the easy way” or not at all. Your strength is still adequate, and it is maintained by use, of course. So continue to life, chop, rake, and walk (with occasional jogs)… with enjoyment. This is important! Activity is not just for the necessary exercise… it should be a demonstration of the joy of still being able to lift…

Bob has let these capacities erode, and he’s almost as limited as your Dad, who is almost 20 years older. He, Bob, has concerns for his heart, and concerns such as this speed up the aging process. You are doing rather well with this, with few concerns about your blood pressure, your prostate (or other cancers), even your hand and its disability. The more you try to hold on to bodily life the “slippier” it gets. Your goal should be: live life fully and positively, with a minimum of medical assistance AND look forward to the next “leg” of your faith journey, which shall be as important… and enjoyable… as this one.

Bob’s spirit has little depth, and so he has little to take over when physical and mental strengths ebb. Just as your left arm has a strong muscle that the right doesn’t need or have… an adaptation to a loss… so can your spirit increase in power as other capacities diminish. Oh, it will be difficult for you, because you are bothered by weakness and loss. But it will come, and you can resist AND adapt and compensate.

You have little desire to live on into disability and senility. Oh, I can say that there could be some spiritual growth coming with fading capacities, but there also could be regression and loss. The earth scene has little need for frail, feeble folk with little evident spirit. Be quite willing to move on when you recognize these characteristics in yourself. Live fully and actively while you can, and anticipate the joys of a spiritual future.

Be increasingly willing to share such observations with family, friends, fellow Christians, and, when opportunities arise, to students and other young folk. It isn’t that you’re “giving up on life”. You have had a fine 3 score 10 and now 2+. Savor these years. And then look ahead and accept, joyfully, that your developed life in the spirit shall sustain… and it should be easy to just “drop this body” and again be pure spirit… a soul unfettered by physical and mental deterioration and loss.

WED., SEPT. 16, 1998, 8:50 AM

An increasing number and variety of thoughts are yours to “entertain” as you move toward old age. The state of your brother-in-law, Bob, so evident in his visit with you this week, urges you to pause and contemplate your future. He is a few years older, but you remember him as one active in body and in mind. Now he is old and feeble, and you wonder if this, too, shall be your lot.

A major difference between the two of you, in addition to the few years, is . . .

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