Old Friends

MAY 6, 1983, 8:33 AM

You are on your way, o son, to an unusual reunion with old friends. It is well that you come for this Teaching as you soar over this vast country. You have not been faithful to this learning experience during the recent past, and I have understood the reasons, but now is a time to return and continue your education. You still shall have professional tasks, but they shall not have all the priority as you move into this new season.

Old friends are one of the pleasurable aspects of life for one your age. Some of these are people you are with often and with whom you have shared continuing experiences. Lenore is obviously the most prominent of these old friends. You and she have shared a great variety of experiences, and these have served to give depth and quality to your friendship. It is an holistic friendship, wherein you share physical experiences, share knowledge and insights with each other, feel and share emotions that are both alike and different, relate to other people and share these experiences, have common concerns for the beauty and health of your Farm environment, and enjoy common beliefs, perceptions, and knowledge about Me and the worlds I command and serve.

The best of old friendships are those that achieve something of this holistic nature. Awareness and appreciation of this as the most desirable of results can help it to happen (though I’m a bit leery of urging you to “work on it.”) Your mind wanders off into musings about how friendships can be enhanced in the future. Let this not stop with musings.

You and your old “singing friends” shall try to recreate a common experience of times gone by. It shall not have some of the quality that is only in youth, but there shall be other qualities that you never could have exhibited as college boys. Be aware as this experience unfolds. I shall accept what you offer, as from the group, and it shall be a fine, unique experience for many who listen and hear.

Increasingly explore spiritual matters with old friends. You readily acknowledge that relationships centering in spirit are the most exciting and most meaningful. In the future do not be content just to let these happen, but do what you can to arrange such. Oh, you shall have some failures if you do this actively, but these shall pale against the warmth and luminescence of the successes. You know your posture, but I’ll repeat it, just for emphasis. You mission is not to bring all to your understanding and experiences, but to encourage the sharing of spiritual stories. Tell yours, but also listen to those of others. (You could have taken time to listen to the young man in the airport this morning. Do not be afraid of such encounters. Remember that I use many modes in communicating truth. Do not purposely limit Me.)

Lives are lived differently, and old friends can enhance the experiences of one another by sharing stories and interpretations and reactions. You, particularly, can help old friends of yours see how past and present experiences can and do contribute to growth of spirit. And why should spirit grow?

MAY 6, 1983, 8:33 AM

You are on your way, o son, to an unusual reunion with old friends. It is well that you come for this Teaching as you soar over this vast country. You have not been faithful to this learning experience during the recent past, and I have understood the reasons, but now is a time to return and continue your education. You still shall have professional tasks, but they shall not have all the priority as you move into this new season.

Old friends are one of the pleasurable aspects . . .

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