On A Quiet Sunday Morning

SUN., AUG. 25, 1991, 6:46 AM

It is a quiet Sunday morning, and you have arisen in time to hear Me before you do a few chores and then leave for worship. Oh, yes, there will be time if you are attentive. I try to be especially loquacious on this Christian Sabbath.

Sunday is a day for worship and for rest. The churches are not full, and they are not overbuilt, so obviously all do not heed the commandment to remember the Sabbath… with worship. A few do salute Me as they recreate in nature, but most who claim to worship outside of a church do so rather meagerly. I am not as concerned about rest for people who don’t work strenuously and tediously for the other 6 days of the week. I have trouble approving an activity like shopping, particularly for non-essentials, but a few do find this restful. If you will continue to cut the grass and make this place more beautiful I shall see this as an appropriate departure from your regular weekly schedule and say, “Go ahead… for beauty’s sake!”

Church worship is a reminder of who you really are. It is more than just playing the role of a church member, as one of many roles you play in life. Rather, it is a reminder, gentle to crashing, that you are fundamentally and finally a creature of spirit. What one does in his life is, for most, pretty tangential to being this “person of spirit.” (It is not so for you, but it is for many.) Your concerns about money, about status, about world and national affairs should fade as you acknowledge your spirituality in the worship service. The concern of spirit is quite beyond that upon which you focus, generally, in your daily life.

The concern of spirit is on relationships, not upon production. The essential relationship is with Me, so that your thoughts about retirement and what you shall do should not include worries about lack of relationship. Since you have this special calling from Me you can give it more attention, even as you pull away or are forced away from relations with young people and with colleagues. As you are here on this Farm you should muse on the fact that I have given you this special place, as the best place for you to live this portion of your life (so be little concerned about the mortgage!) Appreciate its beauty and give it the attention and effort it should have.

You are comfortable as part of this Presbyterian congregation. You contribute about as you should, in time, effort, and money. You decided not to decide about teaching your class this year, and so you must now choose from one of those available. I encourage you to start with Diane’s class, with the enticing title, Visions. This may give you an opportunity to “bootleg in” some Teachings, which could encourage you to offer your class again, in the future. This is a good church for you and Lenore, and it is better because you are active in it.

Sunday is a day to abet relationships, and you do have some notes and letters to write that will bolster such relationships. Do at least one today, and try to complete one per day, until the list (the one you will compile today) disappears under scratches of completion. Give some attention to the theme for your/Our next Ruminations, following the procedure I’ve already offered you. The process becomes more difficult as you procrastinate. Remember that this is one of your top priorities. (And you must reply to Anajean.)

SUN., AUG. 25, 1991, 6:46 AM

It is a quiet Sunday morning, and you have arisen in time to hear Me before you do a few chores and then leave for worship. Oh, yes, there will be time if you are attentive. I try to be especially loquacious on this Christian Sabbath.

Sunday is a day for worship and for rest. The churches are not full, and they are not overbuilt, so obviously all do not heed the commandment to remember the Sabbath… with worship. A few do salute Me as they recreate in nature, but most . . .

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