On Being And Becoming

FRI., OCT. 28, 1983, 5:18 AM

Yes, there was an earlier Teaching on this theme, but it is a rather important one, which needs repeating “from time to time”. You have been faithful to this October commitment… and you shall eventually find those written earlier and now misplaced… so, o son, let your functioning as a learner under My guidance be Our first example of being and becoming.

With the experience of four and a half years in this listening/hearing role you have become able to have and record these meditations. Your being is now permeated with My advice and counsel. You are not really surprised as the words flow, even in an unfamiliar place. Yet in the midst of this genuine being, you still are becoming. I am satisfied with your integrity as a person, and yet I still urge you… and respond to you own urgings… to become someone “more”.

Being is a state, and becoming is a process. Both are reality, and simultaneously, yes. You have being as a senior professional in your field, and still you are becoming in the same sense that you were in those sun-filled days thirty five years ago teaching your first seventh grade classes. Is there any time, then, when you can only “be”? Oh, you could try to reduce, even eliminate your becoming and just be, but I doubt that you would have much success. The rhythm would be a strange one, and you would soon feel “trapped” and dissatisfied. You would want to feel satisfied with your being… “why is more becoming necessary?” Because these are the opposites that complement, each giving richness to the other even in opposition.

In being you are satisfied with yourself. You have a positive self-concept. Yet part of this desirable being is the capacity to become, and if you deny this part of your being, then the self becomes dissatisfied with self. And what brings the return of satisfaction? Some more becoming. When you accept that this interaction is the best life rhythm then these times of dissatisfaction are brief and infrequent.

Yesterday you showed some dissatisfaction with your being during the noon period, because you were not willing to become, in a social sense, with these many new people. So you walked alone, which seemed to represent just being. Yet you responded to the call to becoming, and you mused about grace and forgiveness and your relationship to me. And so you were spiritually becoming, even as you affirmed to yourself that you were satisfied with being.

The group with whom you worked yesterday and shall continue with today was and is more becoming than being. Because of time it shall have little opportunity to just “be”. The becoming process shall dominate, but be aware, as the day comes to a close that there is a “being” quality also. You have become, and hence you “are”.

You did not feel comfortable yesterday in introducing the spiritual dimension into the statements that were being drafted. In one sense I was disappointed in your being, but the very discomfort evidenced your progressive becoming. You can incorporate much of your becoming into being, and that shall come. It shall be important for you to feel comfortable with this dimension – more so than you do now – before you become a more active advocate.

FRI., OCT. 28, 1983, 5:18 AM

Yes, there was an earlier Teaching on this theme, but it is a rather important one, which needs repeating “from time to time”. You have been faithful to this October commitment… and you shall eventually find those written earlier and now misplaced… so, o son, let your functioning as a learner under My guidance be Our first example of being and becoming.

With the experience of four and a half years in this listening/hearing role you have become able to have and record these meditations. Your being is now permeated . . .

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