On Spiritual Maturity

SUN., AUG. 8, 1982, 6:18 AM

Spirit is the essence of life, o son, and as spirit matures life takes on greater value and can be lived more consciously and more fully. So let Us talk this morning about this development of spirit toward maturity.

In general, development of spirit is positive, meaning that it is developing toward selflessness and toward Me. However, the progress may be considerable or may be very small during any “lifetime” or portion of it. For some periods, there may be no progress. And, sometimes, there will be regression… progress made will be lost, and, because of circumstances and choices, spirit regresses to a less mature state. Still, this is the exception. Normally the growth is toward maturity, with souls taking advantage of this life in the earth to make some progress.

One evidence of spiritual growth is a willingness and a capacity to put the welfare of others ahead of personal gain… or at least to know and behave in accordance with the knowledge that self is benefitted in proportion as others are benefitted. So as you put yourself among those who are serving others before or along with self it is easier to adopt these practices. Then real tests come when you must go into a “mixed crowd” or be among some who are clearly and consciously focused on self aggrandizement. Growth comes when you could directly benefit yourself more (or so it seems), and yet you willingly do for others.

The manifestations of this are many and varied. The key, however, is the motivation you truly have, whether it is conscious or unconscious. And I am aware, certainly, of mixed motivations, so I refer to the balance of motivations. Is the balance toward desire to have others gain? (The worst balance, of course, is when motivations are mainly that self succeed and that others lose out. This is where a “good old competitive spirit” may be a detriment to the advancement of real spirit.)

The other important focus is on Me. Yes, you can serve Me by serving others. “Even as you have done it unto one of the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto Me” is a fair and true statement. However, you can serve Me directly, and that also is pleasing unto Me. (Know also that it is not that I want to be served for reasons of ego, but because I want to see you, or anyone, focus on what will be their ultimate destiny rather than on satisfaction for self alone.) When you are doing something that seems not to benefit others, no matter what its nature, dedicate its doing to Me and you shall be again on the spiritual growth track. Dedicating it to Me may also cause you to think of benefits that may come to other persons from the action. All of this leads to growth and away from focus on self… or even upon this earth only.

SUN., AUG. 8, 1982, 6:18 AM

Spirit is the essence of life, o son, and as spirit matures life takes on greater value and can be lived more consciously and more fully. So let Us talk this morning about this development of spirit toward maturity.

In general, development of spirit is positive, meaning that it is developing toward selflessness and toward Me. However, the progress may be considerable or may be very small during any “lifetime” or portion of it. For some periods, there may be no progress. And, sometimes, there will be regression… progress . . .

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