“On The Beach”… Yours

SAT., SEPT. 4, 1999, 6:00 AM

You are presently in quite an uncomfortable state, physically and emotionally. And your spirit is being dragged along this undesirable path… but the positive feature is that you are here, seeking Me, Holy Spirit, with this “ritual” pen and paper. I’m here. Are you?

This story that you just have re-read and finished is about a global tragedy that did not actually occur… but still could. The weapons that brought about universal death are still in place, around this globe, and you are surprised that they haven’t been used since their use in ending “your” World War. Am I responsible for this? Just assume I have “played a role”…

You read the story, this time, with a different, and a unique, perspective… predictably. Your own death is now more imminent… not the death of all human life, but the end of this earth life, for you. In the story the pertinent folks lived in the southern potion of Australia, one of the last populated areas to be affected by the radiation that was being “distributed” around the globe. They knew the symptoms of the “sickness,” and they had rather good evidence that death was quite “complete” in the northern hemisphere and would inexorably come to them. There was nothing they could do to stop… or even slow… this “process.” They did have the choice of avoiding the slow, humiliating course of the radiation sickness, by taking the lethal pill in the red container. Most of the main characters ultimately made this decision.

You are, apparently, “on the beach,” but with several choices. You are not afraid of dying… at least you shouldn’t be, with all of the Teachings I’ve shared with you over these now more than 20 years. You should just expect to “drop the body” (and it’s not very comfortable this morning!) and BE the fairly well-developed spirit that you have become. Life is generally pleasant for you now, with no major responsibilities, but the “losses,” in body and mind, are becoming troublesome.

So, ( 6:40 / 6:42 ) you have all but rejected the “option” of doing everything possible to kill the cancer. There are effective means, but their powers to conquer the cancer cells also affect the normal functioning of your body. It’s ironic, isn’t it? that the radiation that was causing the sickness and eventual death of all the people in the story is what you are considering as the option for slowing the cancer’s growth and giving you a longer life.

Yet, wisely, your major goal is to live the rest of your life as fully and happily as possible, preferring good quality over possible increased length. Hence, if you do try radiation realizing that it, alone, is not likely to make you “cancer-free,” you would then have to decide whether you’d want to live with the “side effects”… or live a shorter but more comfortable span.

Yet you also know that death from cancer is generally painful, even agonizing. It is something like radiation sickness, and as the folks in the story heard about… and observed in others… the painful and humiliating end to bodily life that they would soon, and inevitably, experience, some of them opted for the “pill” that ended life, quickly and comfortably. That could be an option for you, though it now seems unlikely, as you are feeling well, healthy, even fairly vigorous.

It is important that you think of others rather than just yourself, but that includes how others would react to a longer-living but sick old man, instead of a strong, active, clear thinking and remembering husband-father-grandfather-friend.

SAT., SEPT. 4, 1999, 6:00 AM

You are presently in quite an uncomfortable state, physically and emotionally. And your spirit is being dragged along this undesirable path… but the positive feature is that you are here, seeking Me, Holy Spirit, with this “ritual” pen and paper. I’m here. Are you?

This story that you just have re-read and finished is about a global tragedy that did not actually occur… but still could. The weapons that brought about universal death are still in place, around this globe, and you are surprised that they haven’t been . . .

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