On The Brink

FRI., JULY 14, 1989, 5:57 AM

On the brink is what you now are this day, o son. Synod School is just ahead, and this is an experience I wish you to have, yet again. In some ways it will not be as totally fulfilling as last year’s experience, with the family, of Lenore and the two granddaughters. In other ways it will be less stressful as you attempt to do all that I want you to do.

Do not be concerned about whether you will be “revealed” as a somewhat mystical Christian. You have established yourself well as an enthusiastic participant. If some hear of this “gift” that I have bestowed upon you, it will not be “damaging.” In all circumstances just be the happy, active, positive servant I call you to be. You’ll be able to handle whatever develops.

Yes, it is somewhat strange that I have to assure you as I just did. You are going to participate in an avowedly Christian school… you an avowedly born-again Christian, Presbyterian as I want you to be and in which you are quite comfortable. Yet this very relationship that I have with you, with these quite tangible, reproducable Teachings, can be “troublesome” to some of your Presbyterian Christian compatriots. You know this, and I obviously am aware of it. This is all that is necessary. The chances are not great that you will be “exposed.” How do I want you to feel about this?

I want you to be the active participant you are comfortable in being. I want you to tell your spiritual story to anyone who asks. The “controversial” interpretation of the solid Christian belief in eternal, everlasting life that I have given to you will be bothersome to a few, interesting to others, and helpful to some. If any confrontation should arise just explain, but don’t argue. Be zealous, yet not a zealot.

Your emphasis must be on the positive power of grace. Grace is not conditional to a set of beliefs. In fact, grace sometimes is accepted more easily and readily by people with some unorthodox beliefs than by those who see themselves to be righteously fundamental. Grace is not something you earn. It is freely given, and all you have to do is accept it. Grace is freedom to be in relation to Me. It is not diminished or withdrawn when you sin. For its “function,” if you will, is to neutralize and expunge the power and effects of sin. It actually prevents much sin, but it is not “overcome” by sins, either of commission or omission.

Grace encourages you to ask for forgiveness… and then assures you of continued acceptance. I have called you to be a positive Christian, not one focused on sin, satan, and the hotness of hell. Most Presbyterians are also not so negatively focused, but have more concern about good works, that grace should stimulate.

Ironically, this view of eternal life that I have offered is a better means of allowing you to balance off sinful acts or omissions than the “only one life” interpretation. It allows for slower and more erratic spiritual growth to be manifested in helpful works for the benefit of others. The earth is a wonderful arena of growth for some persons. Why should you have this good opportunity only once, if life is eternal?

Well, this may never come up… as you are posed on the brink of another School experience. I shall be with you in your class, encouraging you to do it well. Your plan to intersperse Teachings with important, overdue letters is acceptable, even though I liked the every-day-at-noon pattern We had established. Lunch is not as necessary as this spiritual food, received and given. Yet be ready for variations even in this good plan.

FRI., JULY 14, 1989, 5:57 AM

On the brink is what you now are this day, o son. Synod School is just ahead, and this is an experience I wish you to have, yet again. In some ways it will not be as totally fulfilling as last year’s experience, with the family, of Lenore and the two granddaughters. In other ways it will be less stressful as you attempt to do all that I want you to do.

Do not be concerned about whether you will be “revealed” as a somewhat mystical Christian. You have established . . .

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