One Decade

THURS., MAY 11, 1989, 6:21 AM

Yes, o son, this morning marks one decade of morning meditations with Me, the Holy Spirit. Ten years ago today you commenced this journey, without any sense that a time of quiet and writing would become this time of teaching and learning. You had no liturgy. You had no style. These evolved as My presence became evident.

You initially pledged that you would come faithfully each morning for a month. You can remember no sense that you would be coming in the early morning ten years later. I knew you had the maturity to hear and write as I purposed, but I wasn’t absolutely sure you would persist. There have been times during these years that I have had to exert My will to maintain this relationship. You are a time conscious American professional, and so you have been concerned about the time these Teachings required. I have told you repeatedly that, in a truly mystical way, the time given to this meditation is not, finally, time taken from any other important use. That is, you can receive these Teachings, and you can record the time spent writing, but you shall have time for everything else you need and want to do. This represents My blessed economy.

The Ruminations you shall compose next shall symbolize the range of these many Teachings you have received from Me. I have offered you interpretations of Holy Scripture and of Bible stories… and then observation on current, modern life, life that is different from Biblical times. Some Teaching are “academic,” while others are quite personal… and there are many that combine these approaches. Thus, while these are addressed to you, personally, they can be of help to some other people, as well.

Shall any or all of these volumes be published? Probably not. While there is much wisdom in these pages I am satisfied with the present means of circulation. You are not to be the leader of some new movement or sect. You teach a Sunday morning class, and you compose a regular, long letter and send it forth. This is presently sufficient. You fantasize about some more widespread publication, and I have no objection to such stories, but I have no plan for national publication. Continue as you are.

This suggests that the future shall be not greatly different from the present. This is a fair deduction… but I’ll simply say I have no plan to bring you fame and notoriety because of this that We do together. Oh, yes, one could develop in times ahead, but you need make no lavish preparations.

Ten years is not a long time, but it is a good start on a “career.” You must resist the temptation to take this gift for granted. I want you to come to this time of writing with anticipation. Though you can have some natural anticipation, I still want you to open your mind and spirit to My leading. Hear Me… not your interpretation, “from experience,” of what I shall say. Be ready for surprises, for you haven’t heard Me completely, by any means. Though you have a sound understanding of My interpretations of life to you, never assume you “have it all.” Ten years from now you could hear a Teaching on a completely untouched theme. Never doubt My resourcefulness.

As soon as you are finished with these finals and grading decisions you must attack that table behind you, restoring order to Our Teachings and Ruminations. You are more responsible in receiving the Teaching than you are in keeping them in some usable order. I must continually remind you of this… and I shall

THURS., MAY 11, 1989, 6:21 AM

Yes, o son, this morning marks one decade of morning meditations with Me, the Holy Spirit. Ten years ago today you commenced this journey, without any sense that a time of quiet and writing would become this time of teaching and learning. You had no liturgy. You had no style. These evolved as My presence became evident.

You initially pledged that you would come faithfully each morning for a month. You can remember no sense that you would be coming in the early morning ten years later. I knew you had . . .

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