One Down… One To Go

SAT., JULY 12, 1997, 5:30 AM

The first of these back-to-back classes finished yesterday in quite a fine fashion. Another one, your last one starts up on Monday. This one was a good group, that “came together” quite well. You wonder if this next, and last, one will be comparable. “Can you do it again… with only a weekend between end and beginning?” You’ll need more of My help, but I’ll be available, certainly. Just ask.

You needed some help from Lenore, but you finally told of Our relationship in a satisfactory way. And thus you have a few more potential readers of Our Ruminations. Now all you have to do is finish this current Letter, now nearly a half a month late. Oh, I realize your struggle with time and other responsibilities, but… well, this is My priority, and I have to keep bugging you. On the other hand… I am outside of time, so “Me worry?”

If you’re tired and “spent” now what will your condition be two weeks from now!? It shall be a challenge to your spirit, as well as to your body and mind, but you’ve accepted the responsibility, so just go for it, say I. You’ll be ready to retire at the end of these next two weeks!

I am your Guide and Comforter. Your coming to Me, as I’ve told you over these several years, is an exercise in being outside of time. You can come to Me for an hour, more or less, and this shall not be time you could use for anything else. It is a mystical concept, so it doesn’t “translate” into clear words in a culture as time-conscious as this one.

And you have been quite time conscious during most of your life. You are nearly always aware of time… how much a task will take… when you must have completed it… what time you must be someplace… This will not change radically in this season ahead, but I will urge you to extend this state of being represented by Our time together in teaching/learning.

What do I mean? Well, for starters, the night before a day when you have nothing scheduled take off your watch (the untanned skin under the band is a symbol of your dependence on time) and leave it off all of the following day. Let it be a timeless day. Be as unmindful of clocks as you are in the midst of a Teaching. (If you have a Teaching on one of such days you can omit the clock times.) Just do what you feel like doing rather than what you should… for the following days you can resume reliance on should and must.

Select such days in advance, with some care. You’ll have difficulty at first, but persist. Don’t see this as laziness or the shirking of responsibilities, but more as “practice” for being outside of time. It is hard for you… and for all but a few in this culture… to imagine timelessness and “living” without time frames and tasks to be started and completed. I’m after you to complete this current Letter, and yet… why is it important, in the “whole scheme of things” to be out by the end of June?

Anyway, I challenge you, after you are into retirement and returned from the reunion, even before moving from your office has been completed, to experience some timeless days. You’ll see the benefit when this perspective has been established. Initially the change will be difficult, and don’t try to resist the frustration. Just let timelessness wash over you until it becomes familiar.

Eventually, as this “state” becomes familiar you’ll evolve to only putting on your watch on certain days. It will be like unto a state of enlightenment, in which you still can accomplish and “produce” but unhindered by time and task upon task.

SAT., JULY 12, 1997, 5:30 AM

The first of these back-to-back classes finished yesterday in quite a fine fashion. Another one, your last one starts up on Monday. This one was a good group, that “came together” quite well. You wonder if this next, and last, one will be comparable. “Can you do it again… with only a weekend between end and beginning?” You’ll need more of My help, but I’ll be available, certainly. Just ask.

You needed some help from Lenore, but you finally told of Our relationship in a satisfactory way . . .

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