One Final Class

FRI., MAY 30, 1997, 6:37 AM

This is not yet the end of your long teaching career, but it shall represent another small “ending”. This unique class, that you had the courage to originate several years ago now, will conclude today. Each of the four have had, as a nucleus, a few truly spiritual individuals, but this one, you judge, has the most, including several with feelings for, even convictions about, continuing, eternal life.

They have come together as a group, true to the concept or Wellspring on which this experience focuses. You wish there would be no rain today, but it looks, now, more likely that stormy weather will force you inside. It shall be crowded, but it will force another kind of intimacy. In the spirit of acceptance, don’t yearn for what you don’t and can’t have.

There shall be three focuses for today. (If you’re inside some could be preparing the drink and hors d’oeuvres while hearing reports of the teaching attempts). Some of these are just what you hoped for, and these successful “teachers” should have the chance to tell about what they tried and even accomplished. Then there is the meal preparation and then its consumption. This is a blatant manifestation of this Wellspring, and should be a major focus. Be sure and remind them of this… and, yes, a prayer before the preparation would be appreciated. I’ll listen.

Then comes the final statement of each, as to what this experience has meant… and where each is, now, spiritually. During this “testimony” time you will have opportunities to add more of your story, and you should do so, but keep it humble and don’t dominate. But you should clarify how you now see everlasting life, and then call in the “backpup troops”… those you know have perceptions of life longer than this one earth adventure. And do reemphasize Dubos’ contribution that life should be an adventure… each life and the real, spiritual one. And don’t forget his and your appreciation of joie de vivre, the enjoyment of life and the encouragement of this state of being in others. (This is enough for now. Finish sometime after the “experience” is over. 7:13A)


You followed through fairly well on My morning suggestions. The meal was quite good, and the interactions were about as you expected them to be. The tributes to you were warming… and also a mite embarrassing. You’d like to be as good as some say you are, but you have some doubts about such accolades. I have called you above average, but not outstanding. You have accepted this as Truth, and so you are a bit wary of comments that seem to elevate you beyond what I say. See it this way: most of those who laud you excessively are sincere and honest. For them, you are such. But all who come to you for learning are not as perceptive and spiritually advanced as these “few”. What you do and how you do it doesn’t touch some, and, hence, overall you are not outstanding. The fact that you appeal to those I like the most is some compensation for being judged not as well as you’d like.

I noticed that you didn’t reveal quite as much about your perception of life as you could have… and you didn’t actually call on the 4 or 5 to corroborate this perception. On the other hand you gave any of them the opportunity to respond, and they didn’t. That was a minor flaw in the final portions, and, of course, you are forgiven… and should be ready for the next opportunity with more confidence.

I did like your willingness to proffer the possibility of some “seminars” on the spirit… that suggestion of Mine some years ago. With no classes you could still have some contact with these “best of the best”, continuing to help them become more comfortable with their own spiritual path, while appreciating and “accepting” others.

FRI., MAY 30, 1997, 6:37 AM

This is not yet the end of your long teaching career, but it shall represent another small “ending”. This unique class, that you had the courage to originate several years ago now, will conclude today. Each of the four have had, as a nucleus, a few truly spiritual individuals, but this one, you judge, has the most, including several with feelings for, even convictions about, continuing, eternal life.

They have come together as a group, true to the concept or Wellspring on which this experience focuses. You wish there would be . . .

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