One Sided

MON., SEPT. 6, 1982, 5:56 AM

You seem to have some trouble concentrating on My voice, which means that you are not “one sided” this morning. This still is a good theme, and one you need to hear more about. Listen and write as the words flow.

You are definitely one sided when it comes to My existence and My influence in the world. You have only very fleeting and unimportant doubts about this being My world. However, when it comes to proclaiming this to others you are not consistent. Within the “safety” of your Sunday morning class you become a definite affirmer, but this one sidedness diminishes as you move out into the world again. That is too bad because it evidences a lack of spiritual maturity. Having said that, I’ll quickly add that this still serves My purposes, because I still want you fundamentally as a respected professional. You could not play this role well if you were too one sided for Me. So there.

I am not bothered by a lack of being one sided in interpreting Me in the earth. You were uncomfortable in your discussion with Mabel and Michael because they seemed so comfortably one sided… and you seemed to be “somewhere else”. You shall never be as definite nor as orthodox as they are (at this time), but you will improve in the expression of your story, multi-sided though it is.

Now… the truth I share with you. The world I am happy in is one with many interpretations and experiences concerning Me and My roles with you humans. Some of these are quite one sided, and this pleases Me. But I would not be as pleased if all were equally and uniformly one sided. The perfect picture is not one showing only one shade of one color. You may have a favorite color (you don’t have, but you could have), but you need not hate or reject other colors because of this particular like.

I have a favorite interpretation of Me and My world, and it is this orthodox Christian one, with sin and salvation, with judgment and grace. (And you wonder, as you write this, whether I would say the same to an Islamic meditator or a Tibetan monk. I shall just let you wonder about this.) Your story is of the right color, but is a different shade from “My favorite”… and this is as it should be. It is not rejection of you, or of others in your class, when I say that yours is not My favorite interpretation. There is no need, for instance, of your trying to bring your whole church to your position, but there is a need for your class to exist and to flourish, in a small, healthy way.

MON., SEPT. 6, 1982, 5:56 AM

You seem to have some trouble concentrating on My voice, which means that you are not “one sided” this morning. This still is a good theme, and one you need to hear more about. Listen and write as the words flow.

You are definitely one sided when it comes to My existence and My influence in the world. You have only very fleeting and unimportant doubts about this being My world. However, when it comes to proclaiming this to others you are not consistent. Within the “safety” of your Sunday morning . . .

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