One Task Ahead

MON., APR. 19, 1993, 6:09 AM

Tomorrow you commence that task that is both onerous and satisfying… lectures for the Survival class. To do each lecture once or twice would be easy, but four each seems excessive, for the number attending each. Nevertheless, you shall slog through it, with some enthusiasm. Hear, then, an update from Me on this subject on which you will speak. Most will not be new, but if you read this over before each lecture you will be representing Me in a better fashion.

Humans are adapting to the physical and biological environment and, in turn, this environment, and parts thereof, are adapting to human action. Print up a transparency that emphasizes this and leave it up as you do your “commercial.” Humans have a natural tendency to adapt, at least for survival. Yet the adaptation of those of you in the over-developed countries is clearly excessive. There is so much waste, for reasons and products that are trivial to dangerous, that I am tempted to intervene. The notion that I am in favor of all that your culture does, just because you favor the Christian religion, is sadly erroneous.

Your culture cannot continue in its present direction, though it shall, very probably, for the remainder of your earth life. Growth in numbers and in consumption is your formula for success, and this is unsustainable. It doesn’t appear that this will be realized in time to make a relatively painless transition to a sustainable future. So your children and their children will “suffer” more than you will. (And I have you write “suffer”, because it will be more a suffering in aspirations and expectation than in actual needs… though selfish competition will mean that, for awhile, some will actually suffer because a few have too much.)

I continue to call on you to live a life of voluntary simplicity. This means using muscle power whenever possible, using things till they wear out (and taking care as they are used), and recycling as much as possible. Keep this Farm functional and beautiful, with the balance just about as you’ve had it, between working it in some ways and letting the environment balance itself. You got a start on your garden, but the plants are having to adapt to some threat. Be sure and replant if this is necessary.

As you live on this place, with the expanse of land that is yours, it is hard to imagine how crowded together many of the people in the earth at this time are. You know of heavy traffic and the other perils and irritations of urban life, and you can be thankful that such is not your lot in life. There are a few drawbacks to where and how you live, but very few, really. Be appreciative of this blessing. Express your gratitude to Me, even oftener than you do now.

MON., APR. 19, 1993, 6:09 AM

Tomorrow you commence that task that is both onerous and satisfying… lectures for the Survival class. To do each lecture once or twice would be easy, but four each seems excessive, for the number attending each. Nevertheless, you shall slog through it, with some enthusiasm. Hear, then, an update from Me on this subject on which you will speak. Most will not be new, but if you read this over before each lecture you will be representing Me in a better fashion.

Humans are adapting to the physical and biological environment . . .

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