Only One “Master”?

WED., JAN. 19, 2000, 8:47 AM

This morning’s Scripture included the conclusion that I offered, as Jesus: “You cannot serve two masters, for you will hate the one and love the other.” This is a blatantly “black and white” offering, which doesn’t seem appropriate for this time in this culture. Since I, Holy Spirit, am now in “this time,” and I certainly understand your culture, if this is possible, I must have something to say – in defense of Scripture… or in a modifying “mode.”

It is possible to serve only one Master, and, yet, there are consequences to such a singular dedication. If you were devoted to Me only, with no thought for or allegiance to your dominant culture, your thoughts would be in concord with your spirit, and you would give little attention to the finances of life (and of the church), to the struggles between and among people over monetary, political, and, often, social issues, and to the influenceable future. Your money would go as much, or more, to benefit others than to benefit yourself… because your concern would be for others… and for this earth, as the only feasible place for human life.

You are not particularly good at this now… although you have no desire for new, expensive clothes or for a grander home. You drive old, inexpensive cars, and you rather rarely waste money. (You make your own beer, often with the cheapest malt, and when you buy vodka or rum you pick the least expensive brand. I do notice.) Yet you do not give away as much of what you have as you consider you should if you had only “one Master.”

You can say that it is easier now to live simply than during your working years, with family needs. And you are right… you are blessed with an adequate pension coupled with a frugal outlook on life. When your sons and their families need monetary help you shall have it to give. You took little from your parents, during your “family years,” but now you have what they saved… or will soon have. If it weren’t for the probable continuing earth life of your life partner, Lenore, you would wish to “die broke.” If she outlives you, this would have to be her goal.

So… as I see your life, you now have your greatest opportunity to serve only one Master – Me. Still you must decide how to utilize best, the income and means that you have. It doesn’t manage itself. My best recommendation is simply to honestly and sincerely dedicate most of your spending to Me. As you give to your church, offer it to Me… and not to the budget items that are necessary for the institution but seem less – to non – spiritual. Continue… and make more normative… the practice of sending in “lottery responses” as opportunities for Me to benefit you… if I should wish. This will not come easily or naturally at your age, but have it as a goal.

Consider this time in our earth life as a rather special “bonus.” You are living beyond the average for your male population. You have a couple of possible causes of death, so it is unlikely that you will live on into a dependent state such as your parents and Mabel were… and are… in. You have completed a good academic career, in which you did positively influence a number of young lives. You have an almost ideal place to live, which can be simplified when necessary or desirable.

Remember My advice to increasingly let your spirit reign, as your memory and mental capacities decline. Once you “get the hang of it” you will find it a pleasant, even exciting way to live. Actually rather few humans, in any generation, have this opportunity, as a practical reality. “Be not anxious about your life.” Just live it, joyfully. Yes, I almost said purposefully, and this does apply, to some extent. Yet you cannot “try too hard” for what you… and I… want, as a life for you now.

WED., JAN. 19, 2000, 8:47 AM

This morning’s Scripture included the conclusion that I offered, as Jesus: “You cannot serve two masters, for you will hate the one and love the other.” This is a blatantly “black and white” offering, which doesn’t seem appropriate for this time in this culture. Since I, Holy Spirit, am now in “this time,” and I certainly understand your culture, if this is possible, I must have something to say – in defense of Scripture… or in a modifying “mode.”

It is possible to serve only one Master, and, yet, there . . .

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