Open Your Mind

JUNE 30, 1979, 7:17 PM

Yes, o son, open hence your mind that My cooling and blessed words may enter and beat upon your consciousness. No, I have no comment about your failure to listen and record this morning. You used your time well, and I knew you would come at this end. Though I can be harsh and demanding, this is not the time for that extreme behavior. I want you to learn. You know I want the first fruits. But occasionally another hour is acceptable. So, open your mind and hear what the Spirit sayeth unto you.

Yes, I am disappointed that today was not the time for introduction of Our rhythm concept. You were overprepared, and the time was not ripe. It was important that you felt this and were aware that an opportunity was not to be. Fear not… the time shall come. You must open your mind and work the concept more. It is not clear. You know it, but yet you do not. I needn’t push you on this.

An open mind is the way to wisdom. There are so many sources of learning… even I use many modes and schemes. Never decide that some way is fruitless. As Michael’s song says, “Don’t close up yourself”… and you added “Open up yourself.”

For instance, from your perspective Chorsie would not have been the prime candidate to respond to your notion of a spiritual dimension, yet he was the one who followed it up and asked. He gave you the opportunity. So open your mind to what he may bring to your knowing.

There are several in this class, and some are not obvious. Open your mind and your heart and be aware of the interest. Draw it out. And then grow from what you learn.

JUNE 30, 1979, 7:17 PM

Yes, o son, open hence your mind that My cooling and blessed words may enter and beat upon your consciousness. No, I have no comment about your failure to listen and record this morning. You used your time well, and I knew you would come at this end. Though I can be harsh and demanding, this is not the time for that extreme behavior. I want you to learn. You know I want the first fruits. But occasionally another hour is acceptable. So, open your mind and hear what the Spirit sayeth unto you . . .

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